MSY = Maximum Sustainable Yield: The maximum amount of fish that can be fished from a stock while leaving enough fish for the stock to develop sustainably.
SSB = spawning biomass: The amount of fish that are sexually mature and can produce juveniles
B = Biomass: The total weight of a fish stock
Recruitment = The influx of new fish
MSY Btrigger = If the biomass reaches this level, ICES must recommend measures to restore the spawning biomass to a level that is sustainable in the long term.
Bmsy = The biomass of a stock cannot be as high as you like. Bmsy is the biomass that gives maximum sustainable yield.
Blim = If the biomass of the stock falls below this level, there is a high risk of reduced recruitment.
Bpa = Precautionary level to avoid Blim. As long as the biomass of the stock is above Bpa, the risk of reduced recruitment is considered low.
F = fishing mortality: The proportion of the stock that is killed by fishing.
Fmsy = The fishing pressure that can produce maximum sustainable yield, MSY, in the long term. Fishing at this level is considered sustainable.
Flim = If a stock is fished above this level, the stock's biomass will be greatly reduced and fall below Blim.
Fpa = Precautionary level to avoid falling below Flim. If fishing pressure reaches Fpa, management measures must be taken to protect the stock.