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Pink salmon in Sweden

Pink salmon is an alien species in Sweden. SLU is mapping its distribution. Help us by reporting pink salmon sightings!

Report sightings here!

If you catch or see a pink salmon please report it here on Rappen.

What is a pink salmon?

Black dots on the tail, black tongue. The male has a distinct bump on its back during spawning

About the project

During 2023-2024 SLU are investigating the distribution of pink salmon in Sweden

River in sunset

More information about pink salmon


The article Pink salmon distribution in Sweden: The calm before the storm? Has been published in Ecology and Evolution 2022.

SLUs earlier Overview, risk assessment and proposed measures for pink salmon in  Aqua reports 2018:17, (Swedish; abstract in English).

Websites and presentations

Pink Salmon (NINA, Norwegian Institute for Natural Research)

Emerging Threats - Pink Salmon (Atlantic Salmon Trust)

Contact the project leaders

If you have any questions or need more information contact puckellax@slu.se 

Tom Staveley, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, SLU
tom.staveley@slu.se, +46(0)10-478 42 52

Ida Ahlbeck Bergendahl, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Analyst
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, SLU
ida.ahlbeck.bergendahl@slu.se, +46(0)10-478 42 50

Published: 17 April 2023 - Page editor: teresa.soler@slu.se

Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua)

Temporary Head of Department: Sara Bergek, +46 10-478 41 14
Deputy head of department: Per-Olof Larsson, +46 10-478 42 57.
Head of Administration: Anneli Hofström, +46 10-478 42 85
Press contact: Sofia Bureborn, +46 10-478 42 15.

Delivery address: Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, Ulls gränd 1, SE-756 51 Uppsala, Sweden
