- International code: SE04
- Latitude/longitude: N58°03´ E12°01´
- Swedish Grid: 644250/127600
- County: Västra Götalands län (OPR)
- Municipality: Stenungsund
- Land owner: Gårdsjöstiftelsen
- Size of catchment: 3,7 ha
- Long-term average precipitation (not corrected): about 1140 mm
- Long-term average temperature: about +6,7°C
- Snow cover: about 55 days
- Length of vegetation period (mean temp. > +5°C): about 200 days
- Biome: Boreonemoral
- Dominant vegetation type: Norway spruce - Vaccinium myrtillus and mixed coniferous – Vaccinium myrtillus forest/
- Dominant soil type: podsol
- Bedrock: young gneissic granodiorite
- Air pollutant deposition: substantial, N c:a 19 kg, S c:a 20 kg/ha/year
- Land-use history: Probably grazed woodland for centuries before clear-felling 1900-1910 and subsequent forest tree planting and thinning (1968). Grazing was suspended around 1950. In 1980 roughly a half hectar was clear-felled and planted with pine. During the 1990´s clear-felling took place up to the watershed in the southwest and northeast and a timber road was opened straight through the area in an east-west direction.