Two projects at the department aim at developing the next generation technologies for the removal of PFASs in water and reduction of impact on water quality from contaminated soils.
The declining quality of surface water and groundwater has become an issue in Sweden and globally. Recently, several water sources had to be restricted or even shut down because residues of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) had reached the groundwater and contaminated wells.
Current soil and water treatment techniques are inefficient in the removal of PFASs. Thus, there is a need for development of innovative treatment techniques for the removal of PFASs from contaminated soils and drinking water sources, in order to reduce risks for ecosystems and to ensure future delivery of safe drinking water.
Currently, we are working on two such projects focusing on:
- groundwater and the reduction of the impact from contaminated soil (PFAS-PURE funded by VINNOVA)
- drinking water (PFAS-FREE funded by Formas).
The projects will create a strong scientific basis for innovative state-of-the-art technologies that can provide solutions for urgent water quality challenges in Sweden and globally.