Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Division of Ecology and Biodiversity
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Division of Geochemistry and Hydrology
The cooperation between SLU and the Lake Mälaren Water Association has been ongoing since 2018. The goal of the collaboration is to improve environmental monitoring and to increase the exchange between research and social interests around Lake Mälaren.
Stina Drakare and Faruk Djodjic (contact information below) are the coordinators at SLU.
At the Lake Mälaren Water Conservation Association the contact person is Ingrid Hägermark (see their website for contact information).
The Lake Mälaren Water Conservation Association is a non-profit association that aims to contribute to a better foundation for community planning and other activities of significance for the water conditions in Lake Mälaren, for example by conducting environmental monitoring. The Water Conservation Association has nearly 50 member organizations, including municipalities, county boards, water boards (vattenförbund) and various companies.
Through the collaboration, it will be possible to link a large number of ongoing research projects at SLU to important issues in Lake Mälaren's catchment area. The collaboration will also include thesis at master and bachelor level, which can provide a quick overview of new interesting issues and provide information about the need for further knowledge acquisition or new more advanced methods of analysis.
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment has long experience of research and environmental analysis with Mälaren in focus. A research project in the 1960s on eutrophication of Lake Mälaren is the origin of the entire department. Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment carry out the sampling of water chemistry, phytoplankton and benthuc fauna in Lake Mälaren, and much of our ongoing research concerns Lake Mälaren or can be applied to Lake Mälaren.