Funding: Tillväxt Trädgård, the Swedish Agricultural Board
Contact: Siri.Caspersen@slu.se, Thilda.Hakansson@hushallningssallskapet.se, Christina.Winter@jordbruksverket.se
The blueberry types presently cultivated in Sweden are highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and hybrids between V. corymbosum and lowbush blueberry (V. angustifolium Ait.). The large and tasteful berries are becoming increasingly popular as dessert berries and as ingredient in pastries and other kinds of food. Blueberries also contain anthocyanines and other compounds which may function as antioxidants. The interest for both consumption and cultivation of blueberries in Sweden is increasing, and there should be good possibilities for increasing the Swedish blueberry production. As a cooperative project between HIR Malmöhus, the Swedish Agricultural Board and Swedish University of Agriculture, we have tried to summarize the particular requirements on the substrate, pH and nutrient availability of cultivated blueberries.
Funding: Tillväxt Trädgård, the Swedish Agricultural Board
Contact: Siri.Caspersen@slu.se, Thilda.Hakansson@hushallningssallskapet.se, Christina.Winter@jordbruksverket.se
Caspersen S., Håkansson T., Winter C. 2013. Trädgårdsblåbär - växtnäringsbehov och gödsling. LTJ-fakultetens rapportserie 2013:10.
Caspersen S., Svensson B., Hakansson T., Winter C., Khalil S., Asp H. 2016 Blueberry – soil interactions in an organic perspective. Scientia Horticulturae 208, 78-91.
Håkansson T., Winter C., Caspersen S. 2013. Trädgårdsblåbär - växtnäringsbehov och gödsling. LTJ-fakultetens faktablad, 2013:7.
Winter C., Håkansson T., Caspersen S. 2013. Gödsling av trädgårdsblåbär - tre gårdsexempel. OVR 270, Jordbruksverket.