Technology and Digitalization for Animal and Plant Production

Last changed: 23 August 2024

The subject area Technology and digitalization for animal and plant production includes research, innovation, teaching and collaboration regarding technical systems within both agriculture and horticulture. Above all, the interaction between animals, plants, environment and humans is studied in the context of environmental impacts and climate change in systems for a sustainable and economically competitive production.

Within the subject field, interdisciplinary research is carried out with a focus on technology development within:

  • Systems analysis in order to improve production systems within agriculture and horticulture including post-harvest and energy conversion processes (energy balances, LCA, soil organic carbon modelling, systems dynamic modelling, nutrient balances, techno-economic assessments, GIS-based data and inventory).
  • Digitalization for improved production systems using sensor technology, camera technology, artificial intelligence and data-driven decision support.
  • Buildings and building technology for agricultural and horticultural production of food including animals, feed, raw materials for energy and industrial purposes, i.e. stables, storage, greenhouses and other production buildings.
  • Machinery and machinery technology for plant production within agriculture and horticulture for reduction of inputs and losses, treatment of biomass for different purposes as well as improved harvest and logistical operations reduced energy consumption and improved economy.


Focus areas:

Systems analysis

The department carries out research and teaching with a focus on the interplay between energy, environment, technology, economy and the holistic view on the mentioned factors. Interactions between environment, energy, and economical issues are analysed in a regional, national and global perspective. Furthermore, agricultural production systems, post-harvest-, and energy processes are evaluated.

One research focus area is to analyse and evaluate environmental effects associated with the utilization of renewable resources and various types of energy carriers, with emphasis on crop nutrition, soil fertility and greenhouse gas emissions. A second focus is to evaluate energy systems, where the entire energy chain from natural resources to energy services is studied. A third area of focus is to investigate strategies for improving production systems with regards to their economic and environmental outcome.

Ongoing projects about system analysis


Within this topic research and education are conducted with primary focus on digitalisation within agriculture (mainly animal and plant production). The expertise lays within the areas of digital infrastructure, Big Data and data-driven decision support as well as cross-disciplinary communication required for new Research and Development projects with many actors involved.

The conducted work aims at practical and end-user-oriented solutions which support competitive and sustainable production and effective leadership within different branches of agriculture.

  • IoT [Internet of Things] solutions for animal and plant production: development and validation of new solutions, as well as increased usability of collected data (effective storage, processing, analysis and visualisation).
  • Validation and applicability of new sensor technologies, as well as framework around responsible innovation.
  • Competence development and education for future challenges related to digitalisation of agricultural sector and integration of new technology.

Ongoing projects about digitalization

Building Technology

Within this topic research and education concerning buildings for the rural production of food are conducted, i.e. concerning animal houses, greenhouses and other production buildings. Activities aim on an environmental friendly and economically competitive agricultural and horticultural production.

  • The topic includes building technology, materials and installations within the buildings and their harmonization to animals, humans, plants and environment.
  • A good air quality within the buildings with minimum presence of gases, particles and infecting substances is included in the topic as well as limitation of emissions of ammonia, greenhouse gases, dust and odour to the surroundings.
  • Safe building design, suitable floor design, environmental friendly building materials based on renewable source materials, design of rural buildings and their conformity to the landscape are parts of the activities

Machinery Technology

The department is responsible for basic level courses regarding crop production technology including post-harvest processes for foremost Lantmästare and Trädgårdsingenjörer. Our competence is applied in research projects that investigate crops and crop residues for different purposes. The focus is on finding methods, technology and logistical setups that enable long-term sustainable solutions.

Ongoing projects about machinery technology

Research Projects: