The different elements of the training
The modules consist of equal parts theory and practical skills training. Between modules, participants are required to collect dental cases and then present one of these at the next course they attend.
Module 1:
Anatomy and physiology of the masticatory system, bite development and age changes, clinical examination of the oral cavity, normal findings and common pathological oral changes and their treatment.
Module 2:
X-ray, ultrasound and scintigraphy as diagnostic aids in oral cavity investigations, tumors and malformations, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other pathological changes in the soft tissues of the oral cavity, medical treatments, sampling for bacteriology, PAD, virology, masticatory mechanics and basic principles of orthodontics. In addition, practical training on working with rotary dental instruments in equine mouths was included. Safety considerations for practitioner and patient when working with electrical instruments in a humid environment, service and maintenance of instruments. Presentation of homework assignment
Module 3:
Dental caries, endodontic treatments, tooth fractures, jaw fractures, tooth extraction and tooth decay.Presentation of homework.

Examination - theory and practice
The examination takes place at the earliest 1 year after completion of course 3 with an approved course certificate. For people who have obtained their knowledge of the horse's chewing system in another way, the examination is offered as below after presentation of Curriculum Vitae, Curicculum Veritas, documented knowledge corresponding to the content of the three sub-courses!
Those who wish to participate in the examination must submit 3 case descriptions of approximately 1 A4 size no later than 1 month before the examination date. The 3 cases, which should not be the same as those presented by the participants during the sub-courses, must be written as case reports (short history, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment with justification of what has been done, prognosis and intended or performed follow-up) and not be pure journal extracts. Access to the theoretical examination is only offered after the case reports have been approved.
Part 1: Theoretical section
Questions in flipchart exam form based on the content of the 3 different sub-courses. Writing time 120 minutes
For admission to the practical part, a passing grade in the morning theoretical part is required.
Part 2 & 3 Practical section
Two parts:
- Practical tasks on fresh preparations with diagnoses related to the 3 sub-courses (40 min)
- Three dry preparations with simulated oral cavity changes. Assessment of clinical diagnosis and prognosis, propose treatment and give suggestions for follow-up (40 min)