A postgraduate degree can be obtained in the subject "Clinical Science" with or without the following area of specialisation:
- Anaesthesiology
- Animal nursing
- Diagnostics
- Epidemiology
- Surgery
- Medicine
- Reproduction
The theses defended by postgraduate students from our department can be found under Publications.
Interested in postgraduate studies in the Department of Clinical Sciences?
At the present times, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science has neither a special PhD-programme for foreign students nor scholarships for postgraduate education. The financing of a PhD degree is complex and includes both living expenses for the student, as well as costs related to the research project and supervision.
Occasionally, however, funding for postgraduate students from certain countries is available including salary for a student, for example in a collaborative international research project. Such positions will be advertised at SLU’s general webpage under New PhD students wanted.
To qualify for admission to postgraduate education, you are required to have certified knowledge of the English language. If financial support for living costs is already available it should adhere to the minimum amount stipulated by the Swedish Migration Board.