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Department of Crop Production Ecology

How can we combine improved quality and quantity of crop production with enhanced ecosystem services and reduced negative environmental impact? The Department of Crop Production Ecology contributes to the solutions by our research, collaboration and education in sustainable crop production. We focus on innovative, multi-functional cropping systems for food, feed, fuel and fiber.

Take a course with us

We provide education in the fields of biology, ecology and production of cultivated crops. The courses provide knowledge on how production methods and cultivation systems affect yield level, end product and the surrounding environment. Knowledge that is important in the shaping of sustainable agricultural systems.

Woman measures wheat roots.

Our research

Our mission is to shape the future of cropping systems, combining improved quality and quantity with enhanced ecosystem services and reduced environmental impact.

Resources for SLU and society

Read more about our field research and collaboration with other organizations within the agricultural sector.



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Published: 21 January 2025 - Page editor: lisa.beste@slu.se

Contact Department of Crop Production Ecology

Head of department Robert Glinwood, robert.glinwood@slu.se


Postal address: Box 7043 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; visiting address: Ekologicentrum, Ulls väg 16; delivery address: Ulls väg 18B, 756 51 Uppsala, Sweden


Postal address campus: SLU or VPE, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden; visiting address campus: SLU, Skogsmarksgränd, 907 36 Umeå, våning 5; delivery/visiting address field research: Inst. för VPE, Verkstadsgatan 15 A, 904 32 Umeå, Sweden


Postal address: Box 7062, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; delivery-/visiting address: Funbo Lövsta 19, 755 97 Uppsala, Sweden

Billing address

SLU Fakturamottagning, Box 7090, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

