Crop production specialized in forage

Forage production and quality
The overall aim of the research group is to create knowledge that promotes sustainable and competitive agricultural systems that are based on forages, like leys, pastures and whole-crops, and ensures the supply of environmentally sustainable food from ruminants.
Forages are the dominant cultivated crop in Sweden, and drive milk and meat production. Our research focuses on improving the production and quality of forages, and understanding their role in sustainable cropping systems. This includes agronomic research, assessment of agricultural systems, and applied remote sensing.
Our current research projects
Hyper-näring: Hyperspectral tools for monitoring fertilization efficiency in cereals
Vall-Reparera: Precision agriculture to repair winter-damaged swards in Northern Sweden
Diversivall – More productive and resilient leys through increased plant diversity
Evaluation of Yellow Lucerne as a forage crop for Northern Sweden
Vallsat: Satellite-based digital tools for ley management
Management of barley for improving yield and profitability in Northern Sweden
Estimation of forage quality and botanical composition with hyperspectral and image analysis
Evaluating the potential of native forage legumes in mixed leys in northern Sweden
Drone imaging for red clover phenotyping in plant breeding
Published: 07 August 2023 - Page editor: