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Cropping systems

Our research contributes to the development of sustainable and ethical cropping systems. To achieve that goal, our team employ various interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research approaches from the crop level to the food system scale.

Cropping systems need to provide food, feed, and various other products and services while supporting rural livelihoods, without jeopardizing the capacity of ecosystems to sustain society and the natural world. Our research spans from basic science to demand-driven collaborative projects with farmers, industry, authorities, and civil society.

Taking a systems perspective, we conduct experiments in controlled environments, field and farm studies, interviews, and modelling work. We collaborate with researchers and stakeholders across different parts of the world, including local and regional contexts in Sweden, Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. Our work contributes to translating science into policy and practice at the local, national, and global scale.

Our areas of research

  • Crop and forage production
  • Ecological interactions in fields, farms and landscapes
  • Evaluation and design of cropping systems
  • Resilient integrated production systems and landscapes

Our education

  • Training and teaching a new generation of sustainable cropping system experts

Our infrastructure

  • Long-term cropping systems experiments
  • Bioclimatic monitoring (since 1878)
Published: 10 July 2024 - Page editor: lisa.beste@slu.se

Contact Department of Crop Production Ecology

Head of department Robert Glinwood, robert.glinwood@slu.se


Postal address: Box 7043 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; visiting address: Ekologicentrum, Ulls väg 16; delivery address: Ulls väg 18B, 756 51 Uppsala, Sweden


Postal address campus: SLU or VPE, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden; visiting address campus: SLU, Skogsmarksgränd, 907 36 Umeå, våning 5; delivery/visiting address field research: Inst. för VPE, Verkstadsgatan 15 A, 904 32 Umeå, Sweden


Postal address: Box 7062, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; delivery-/visiting address: Funbo Lövsta 19, 755 97 Uppsala, Sweden

Billing address

SLU Fakturamottagning, Box 7090, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

