Archived seminars
Thursday, 20 FebruaryUppsala Online
Seminar: Narrowing the ecological yield gap to sustain crop yields with less inputs
We warmly welcome you to the next Crop Production Ecology seminar, 20 February 2025 at 15.00. -
Thursday, 23 January
Combining organic farming and habitat preservation to promote biodiversity and multifunctionality
Please be welcome to the first Crop Production Ecology seminar of the year. We will meet 23 Janua... -
Wednesday, 27 NovemberUppsala Online
Crop yield differences between organic and conventional production in Sweden, reframing the discussion beyond national statistics
You are most welcome to the next Crop Production Ecology seminar. Speaker will be Rafaelle Reumaux. -
Thursday, 14 NovemberUppsala Online
Organic farming, old varieties and a yield gap
You are most welcome to the next Crop Production Ecology seminar. The topic will be organic... -
Thursday, 17 OctoberUppsala
Seminar: The role of genotype identity versus stand diversity in Salix biomass plantations
Most welcome to the next Crop Production Ecology seminar, Thursday 17 October, in Tammsalen or vi... -
Tuesday, 24 September
Thursday, 19 September
Nitrogen accumulation, recycling, and uptake: a framework for optimizing soil carbon storage and nutrient use efficiency in agroecosystems
Please be welcome to the first Crop Production Ecology seminar after summer. We have Professor... -
Thursday, 30 MayUppsala Online
Crop Production Ecology Seminar: Our five subjects
Thursday, 16 May
The depths of ecological dynamics and the ethics of citizen science
Please be welcome to the Crop Production Ecology Seminar on the 16th of May at 15.00. Please take... -
Friday, 03 May
Advancements in digital agriculture
You are most welcome to attend the seminar by Abozar Nasirahmadi, on Friday the 3rd of May at 10.... -
Thursday, 11 April
Lay management
You are very welcome to the next Crop Production Ecology seminar on Thursday the 11th of April at... -
Thursday, 21 March
Plant nutrients and alternative fertilizers
You are most welcome to the next Crop Production Ecology Seminar, where we will discuss plant... -
Thursday, 15 February
Statistics and healthy roots
You are most welcome to the next Crop Production Ecology seminar. As usual we meet in Tammsalen o... -
Thursday, 18 JanuaryUppsala Online
Rhizobia-legume interactions and legume innovation for future agri-food systems
You are most welcome to the first Crop Production Ecology seminar of the year, on Thursday 18th o... -
Thursday, 07 December
Traits, trees and weeds
For the last seminar of the year we have three exciting speakers, so come and learn about traits,... -
Thursday, 21 SeptemberUppsala Online
Agroforestry, intercropping and soil and water conservation
Warm welcome to the first VPE seminar after the summer break. This seminar is in connection with... -
Thursday, 11 May
Seminar: Ecology, biology, and management of rice vampireweed
Welcome to our next Crop Production Ecology Monthly Seminar. Jonne Rodenburg will give a... -
Thursday, 13 AprilUppsala Online
An ecological framework to advance crop diversification in southern Africa
Warmly welcome to this VPE seminar in which Chloe MacLaren will describe how her research project... -
Wednesday, 08 March
Simple model approaches
Warmly welcome to the next VPE seminar which will be on “patterns in survival-enhancing mechanism... -
Wednesday, 15 FebruaryUppsala Online
Crop domestication shaping microbiomes
Warmly welcome to the next VPE seminar which will be on “Crop domestication shaping microbiomes”. -
Thursday, 12 January
Integrated pest management of aphids and why diversity matters
Using aphids as an example, Alison Karley will summarise current knowledge about within-species... -
Thursday, 08 December
Plant health in a one health perspective
By understanding the effect of different factors on plant pathogens, better and sustainable crop... -
Thursday, 10 November
The role and potential of trees in agroforestry under a climate change
How can carbon stocks be increased and groundwater recharge with trees be improved? What have we... -
Thursday, 06 October
The importance of long-term experiments in agricultural system research
Welcome to our next Crop Production Ecology Monthly Seminar. Chloe MacLaren and Janna Macholdt wi... -
Thursday, 19 MayUppsala
Current crop science research at the Department for Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden
On Thursday, 19 May at 3:30 pm David Parsons from the Department of Agricultural Research for... -
Thursday, 14 April
Radio carbon and mineral insight on topsoil and stabilization
Welcome to this "VPE seminar" on radiocarbon and mineral insights on topsoil C stabilization. We... -
Thursday, 10 February
Perennial grain crops - a sustainable alternative to annual cropping
In this seminar, we will hear Dr. Timothy Crews from The Land Institute, Kansas, and Prof. Lennar... -
Thursday, 13 January
Thursday, 09 December
Benefits of mixed crop agriculture
Agro-ecological practices which increase crop diversity can improve yields, reduce crop sensitivi... -
Thursday, 11 NovemberAgenda 2030
Monitoring and understanding forest mortality
Identifying and quantifying patterns and trends in forest die-offs is critical to understand caus... -
Thursday, 14 October
Leveraging remote sensing for sustainable agricultural intensification
Global environmental change, including climate change and natural resource degradation, is... -
Thursday, 09 September
Agricultural contamination from pesticides to micro pollutants
Over the past decades, chemicals are used to optimize agricultural production to meet the... -
Thursday, 25 February
Raising the pulse of cropping systems; Constraints and opportunities for legume production in Northern Europe
Constraints and opportunities for legume production in Northern Europe will be discussed at this... -
Wednesday, 20 January
Seminar: Research collaboration with low income countries
Reaching the sustainable development goals requires research collaborations across borders,... -
Thursday, 26 November
Agroecology and the reconstruction of a post-COVID-19 agriculture
On November 26, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has invited Miguel Altieri - one ... -
Thursday, 29 October
Precision agriculture and its role in sustainable cropping systems
We hope to give a broad overview on ongoing research in the area of precision agriculture as well... -
Thursday, 04 June
Concepts and misconceptions of sustainable farming systems
The 4th of June the Department of Crop Production Ecology will launch a new concept for scientifi...