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Crop Production Ecology Monthly Seminar Series

We provide a free online platform for scientific debate about agricultural production and sustainability between academics, stakeholders, and the general public.

Join us monthly for inspiring online talks!

The spring 2025 seminars are usually held the 2nd Thursday of the month starting at 15:00 at the Ecology Centre and/or online on Zoom.

We feature research on broad topics related to crop production and sustainability with multiple short presentations by invited local and international researchers or practitioners, followed by a Q&A session and open discussion.

At the next seminar, 20 March 2025, John Löfkvist will talk about the SLU Lövsta Field Research Station. It will include some examples of previous experiments, how to communicate with the field station, what is important to consider when planning experiments, and insight into how costs are being calculated.

Information about the seminars

Our free online seminar program is open to everyone.

Don’t miss our upcoming events and updates by signing up to our mailing list or catch up on past seminars on YouTube.
Please email the seminar coordinator for more information.

Archived seminars

Published: 05 January 2024 - Page editor: lisa.beste@slu.se

Contact Department of Crop Production Ecology

Head of department Robert Glinwood, robert.glinwood@slu.se


Postal address: Box 7043 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; visiting address: Ekologicentrum, Ulls väg 16; delivery address: Ulls väg 18B, 756 51 Uppsala, Sweden


Postal address campus: SLU or VPE, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden; visiting address campus: SLU, Skogsmarksgränd, 907 36 Umeå, våning 5; delivery/visiting address field research: Inst. för VPE, Verkstadsgatan 15 A, 904 32 Umeå, Sweden


Postal address: Box 7062, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; delivery-/visiting address: Funbo Lövsta 19, 755 97 Uppsala, Sweden

Billing address

SLU Fakturamottagning, Box 7090, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

