Submit material

Last changed: 21 May 2024
Logotype Nordic Feed Science conference. Picture.

Indicative abstract

Abstract submission is now open. The first step is an Indicative abstract (a title and a few sentences) with deadline March 1. This Indicative abstract is only for the editorial board’s use and not to be published. Please send us an e-mail with “NFSC abstract” in the subject line. The text should be in English and should start with a descriptive title, the name of the author(s) and affiliation. It should briefly describe the content of your contribution.

Send your Indicative abstract by e-mail to 

Indicate in your e-mail if you prefer poster or oral presentation. Note that the number of oral presentations will be limited by the organizers.

The theme for the conference 2024 is feed supply and feed utilization in changing climate and extreme weathers, especially regarding forage. This includes different crops as well as alternative methods for harvesting and conservation and also possible strategies on the farm. However, in addition to this special theme any contributions related to feed science are welcome, all production animal species included.

In addition to standard research papers we also welcome presentations of planned or on-going research, ideas for research cooperation, etc.


Full paper

After acceptance of your Indicative abstract, you should submit a full conference abstract. The text should consist of maximum 3 pages and be written in English. All accepted contributions for the Nordic Feed Science Conference will be published as a report and handed out at the conference. 

Deadline for full contribution is April 15


How to write a contribution

Please write your text directly into our Microsoft Word-template in a step-by-step fashion not to lose hidden formatting. Alternatively, use "Paste Special"/ "Unformatted text" to enter your text.
Send your contribution by e-mail to 




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Dr. Peter Udén
