
Last changed: 14 January 2025
Main buiding Röbäcksdalen. Photo.

The activities in Umeå are focused on crop-related issues often with regional considerations. This stems from the work done previously at the former Department of Northern Agricultural Sciences, whose research encompassed both livestock and crop cultivation related issues with particular relevance to agriculture in northern Sweden. Central to our work in Umeå, is the proximity to the research station Röbäcksdalen with its acres. We have a well-equipped laboratory with technology for measuring digestibility as well as methane and other gases. Aquaculture and the production of fish as a food source in northern Sweden is also part of our activities.

Important collaborative partners are Norrmejerier and Luleå University of Technology, as well as regional authorities and organizations, in addition to more conventional national and international collaborations and contacts.

Some current research areas include behavior of dairy cows, methods to reduce methane from dairy cows, methods for objective assessment of meat and cheese quality, off-flavors in milk, and calf housing environments.

Staff in Umeå

Forage utilisation

