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Independent of animal species

Here you will find information about on-going and completed research projects that are independent of animal species. The projects are listed in alphabetical order.


  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Animal encounters in zoos – the effect on learning, conservation actions and animal welfare

    Researchers are feeding the Werewolf through the fence. Animals create feelings in humans and are therefore used in zoos in conservation education situations. Does the animal encounter enhance learning in the visitors and how do the animals experience the situation? These questions will be answered in this project.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Handling of animals at transport and slaughter

    Illustration: Logotype for the project "Handling of animals at transport and slaughter" HATS. Handling of animals at transport and slaughter (HATS) has international recognition as one of the most forefront research centres in the area of animal welfare in connection with handling at transport and slaughter. We carry out research on Animal transport logistics; Herding and driving techniques; Overnight lairage; Stunning and stun quality; and Slaughterhouse work environment. Our main focus is farm animals.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Transparency and solid decisions - improving the ethical evaluation of research involving animals

    Rat Animals used for research, quality control and safety evaluation, are of obvious social importance. However, their use is controversial. Since 1989, all animal research in Sweden is therefore evaluated by an ethical committee which weighs the benefit of the research against the harm to the animals.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd


    Transforming Europe’s food system to meet the EU Green Deal goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050 is no small task. Globally, agriculture causes about one-third of all greenhouse gases (GHG). In Europe, nearly 70% of all EU agricultural GHG emissions come from livestock-based farming; therefore, production and supply chains must undergo radical change to become more sustainable.
  • SustAinimal - A knowledge center with a focus on the production animals' future role

    A group of people are standing together and talking in a pasture. A black cow peers towards the photographer in the foreground. Photo. SustAinimal is a center promoting increased knowledge in the production animals' role for competitive, sustainable and resilient agriculture and food production in Sweden.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Welfare indicators at slaughter

    Improved welfare of pigs and cattle at slaughter – evaluation and development of animal welfare indicators and their association to meat quality


  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    A biological method to improve ruminal forage degradation in dairy cattle

    Close-up of test tubes with silage samples. Photo. The project seeks to enhance availability of silage biomass for degradation in the rumen to improve dairy cattle performance.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Aluminum cans in silage – problems for the cows and farmers

    Photo: Hands hoding metal pieces from the fields. According to "Keep Sweden clean" land ownership survey 2013 showed that littering has been increased in Sweden in recent years and both farmland and forest lands are littered. To cultivate the grassland next to busy roads have a high risk of involvement of aluminum in the forage chain. Fragments from shredded aluminum cans can result in animals suffering from hardware disease leading to emergency slaughter. In the project "Aluminum cans in silage - problems for the cows and farmers" 16 dairy and beef producers, as well as veterinarians and inspection veterinarians in western Sweden have been interviewed in an attempt to determine whether and to what extent aluminum cans is a problem.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Aware (Animal Welfare Research in an Enlarged Europe)

    Illustration showing all the countries that take part in this project.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Data from animal welfare controls: an epidemiological analysis

    Good animal welfare is more than the absence of pain and suffering - welfare can be regarded as the possibility to experience positive emotional states. Interest in investigating positive emotions in animals has grown lately.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Feasibility and potential for farming and conditioning of wild fish fed with by-catches in Sweden

    Cod feeding. Photo. Today farming or conditioning of wild-caught fish is low in Sweden and Europe in general. There are however a number of advantages in farming of wild fish compared to wild catch, such as a better control of the production chain and increased profitability. This project aims at investigating the potential for farming and conditioning of wild fish in Sweden.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Good animal welfare

    Photo: White cow with calf out in the grass Society’s demand for good animal welfare has led to discussions about the costs of achieving and maintaining one. This is relevant to Swedish animal-based food production, because producers in Sweden in many respects have stricter requirements than farmers in other countries. They therefore face competition from imported foods produced under less strict animal welfare regulations. At the same time, good animal welfare can have a value in itself and can provide benefits for animals, farmers and society.
  • Losses due to heating at feed-out of silage

    Forage harvest. Photo. Method for studying how the crop's natural microflora affects heating when opening the silo.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    Risk-based animal welfare assessment (RAWA)

    Illustration: Animals To guarantee sustainable animal husbandry and production, consumer and authority trust must be maintained. Effective control and assurance of animal welfare is therefore needed. Swedish animal production must also be able to communicate specific quality aspects of the food production chain in a good way on the international market. There is thus a need to develop methods to assess and monitor animal welfare risks as part of official control efforts. According to EC Regulation no. 882/2004, the official animal welfare control shall be conducted in a risk-based way.
  • Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd

    The Welfare Quality Network

Published: 04 February 2025 - Page editor: josefina.zidar@slu.se