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SLU Multisensory outdoor laboratory - Sensola

In the laboratory, we develop knowledge on human-environment interaction. To increase ecological validity, the research is based on smart and portable technology.

Innovative research

The purpose of Sensola is to develop and conduct innovative research on the human-environment interaction, with a particular focus on portable sensors and studies in actual outdoor environments. Since 2019, the development of the laboratory is financed as a SLU research infrastructure project.


Published: 14 January 2025 - Page editor: marc.stromback@slu.se

Department of People and Society

Head of departmentMats Gyllin, mats.gyllin@slu.se, +46 40-41 55 37
Deputy head of department: Sara Spendrup, sara.spendrup@slu.se, +46 40-41 55 07

Assistant head of department for education: Jozefine Nybom, jozefine.nybom@slu.se, +46 40-41 55 06
Assistant head of department for doctoral studies: Caroline Hägerhäll, caroline.hagerhall@slu.se, +46 40-41 50 15
Communicator: Marc Strömbäck, marc.stromback@slu.se, +46 735-90 65 42

Staff: Link to the department's staff

Mail address: PO Box 190, SE-234 22 Lomma
Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5
