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Number of search results: 55

  • Catharina Alwall Svennefelt

    Catharina Alwall Svennefelt

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415498, +46705415405
    E-mail: catharina.alwall@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Anna Bengtsson

    Anna Bengtsson

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415170
    E-mail: anna.bengtsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Lisa Blix Germundsson

    Lisa Blix Germundsson

    Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415253, +46722174761
    E-mail: lisa.germundsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Jonas Bååth

    Jonas Bååth

    Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: 0761006174
    E-mail: jonas.baath@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Samuel Bäckelin

    Samuel Bäckelin

    Project Leader at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46721420643, +46721420643
    E-mail: samuel.backelin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    750 07
    Box 7013 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus , Uppsala
  • Ylva Carlqvist Warnborg

    Ylva Carlqvist Warnborg

    Communications Officer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4651167224, +46702516984
    E-mail: ylva.carlqvist.warnborg@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 234
    53223 SKARA
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7 , Skara
  • Sebastian Carlsson

    Sebastian Carlsson

    Doctoral Student at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46706687142
    E-mail: sebastian.carlsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 88

    23053 Alnarp
  • Lena Ekelund Axelson

    Lena Ekelund Axelson

    Professor emeritus at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46709144416
    E-mail: lena.ekelund@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 88

    23053 Alnarp
  • Hans Eyrich

    Hans Eyrich

    Non employee at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: hans.eyrich@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 88

    23053 Alnarp
  • Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen

    Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen

    Research Assistant at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4651167116, +46730577151
    E-mail: lotta.fabricius@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Ortskansli, Skara
    Box 234
    532 32 Skara
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7, Skara , Skara
  • Fredrik Fernqvist

    Fredrik Fernqvist

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415388
    E-mail: fredrik.fernqvist@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Amanda Gabriel

    Amanda Gabriel

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415233, +46735186432
    E-mail: amanda.gabriel@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Andrew Gallagher

    Andrew Gallagher

    Doctoral Student, Coordinator, Coordinator leave of absence at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46730558027, +46730558027
    E-mail: andrew.gallagher@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Patrik Grahn

    Patrik Grahn

    Senior Advisor at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415425, +46702585512
    E-mail: patrik.grahn@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Mats Gyllin

    Mats Gyllin

    Head of department, Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415537, +46727252006
    E-mail: mats.gyllin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Eva Göransson

    Eva Göransson

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415071, +46730816761
    E-mail: eva.goransson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Per Hansson

    Per Hansson

    Project Leader at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415080, +46706727544
    E-mail: per.m.hansson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Rosa Hellman

    Rosa Hellman

    Doctoral Student at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415472
    E-mail: rosa.hellman@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Erik Hunter

    Erik Hunter

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415075, +46706829899
    E-mail: erik.hunter@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Nils Hyllienmark

    Nils Hyllienmark

    Non employee at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: nils.hyllienmark@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 88

    23053 Alnarp
  • Caroline Hägerhäll

    Caroline Hägerhäll

    Professor at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415015, +46730540709
    E-mail: caroline.hagerhall@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Jenny Höckert

    Jenny Höckert

    Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4651167114, +46702599100+46722332580
    E-mail: jenny.hockert@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 234
    53223 SKARA
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7 , Skara
  • Magnus J Stark

    Magnus J Stark

    Project Leader at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: 040-415529, +46730938071
    E-mail: magnus.stark@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    750 07
    Box 7013 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus , Uppsala
  • Lars Johansson

    Lars Johansson

    Field Assistant at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: lars.l.johansson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Ortskansli, Skara
    Box 234
    532 32 Skara
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7, Skara , Skara
  • Torbjörn Jonasson

    Torbjörn Jonasson

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415232, +46735251602
    E-mail: torbjorn.jonasson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Håkan Jönsson

    Håkan Jönsson

    Visiting Professor at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415324, +46730987495
    E-mail: hakan.l.jonsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Konstantinos Karantininis

    Konstantinos Karantininis

    Professor at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415474, +46730968654
    E-mail: karantininis.konstantinos@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Filiz Kinikli

    Filiz Kinikli

    Postdoctor at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: filiz.kinikli@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Helene Landin

    Helene Landin

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415508, +46730964289
    E-mail: helene.landin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Jan Larsson

    Jan Larsson

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415073
    E-mail: jan.larsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Anna Lind Lewin

    Anna Lind Lewin

    Communications Officer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415402
    E-mail: anna.lind.lewin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Ortskansli, Skara
    Box 234
    532 32 Skara
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7, Skara , Alnarp
  • Anna Litsmark

    Anna Litsmark

    Lecturer leave of absence at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415532
    E-mail: anna.litsmark@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Magnus Ljung

    Magnus Ljung

    Senior Extension Specialist at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4651167117, +46703387117
    E-mail: magnus.ljung@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Ortskansli, Skara Box 234

    53223 Skara
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7 , Skara
  • Peter Lundqvist

    Peter Lundqvist

    Senior Advisor at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415495, +46707296115
    E-mail: peter.lundqvist@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Christina Lundström

    Christina Lundström

    Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4651167237, +46707743088
    E-mail: christina.lundstrom@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 234
    53223 SKARA
    Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7 , Skara
  • Christina Lunner Kolstrup

    Christina Lunner Kolstrup

    Dean, Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415030, +46730881634
    E-mail: christina.kolstrup@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Elizabeth Marcheschi

    Elizabeth Marcheschi

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415209, +46761167377
    E-mail: elizabeth.marcheschi@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Kes Mccormick

    Kes Mccormick

    Professor at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: kes.mccormick@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Misagh Mottaghi

    Misagh Mottaghi

    Postdoctor at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46764088714
    E-mail: misagh.mottaghi@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Fredrika Mårtensson

    Fredrika Mårtensson

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415453, +46727402262
    E-mail: fredrika.martensson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Nicklas Neuman

    Nicklas Neuman

    Non employee at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: nicklas.neuman@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Anna Nohed

    Anna Nohed

    Doctoral Student at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46793486537, +46793486537
    E-mail: anna.nohed@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Jozefine Nybom

    Jozefine Nybom

    Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415506, +46730938015
    E-mail: jozefine.nybom@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Nina Oher

    Nina Oher

    Doctoral Student at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415442, +46761483288
    E-mail: nina.oher@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Anna Maria Palsdottir

    Anna Maria Palsdottir

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415536, +46730853219
    E-mail: anna.maria.palsdottir@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Marianne Persson

    Marianne Persson

    Project Leader at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415237, +46730616504
    E-mail: marianne.persson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Sebastian Remvig

    Sebastian Remvig

    Project Leader at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415432, +46730375318
    E-mail: sebastian.remvig@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Boel Rönnblom

    Boel Rönnblom

    Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415438, +46730939845
    E-mail: boel.ronnblom@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Sara Spendrup

    Sara Spendrup

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415507, +46761480661
    E-mail: sara.spendrup@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Catharina Stenmo

    Catharina Stenmo

    Non employee at the Department of People and Society

    E-mail: catharina.stenmo@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Jonathan Stoltz

    Jonathan Stoltz

    Researcher at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415497
    E-mail: jonathan.stoltz@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Rebecca Thörning

    Rebecca Thörning

    Lecturer leave of absence at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415511, +46733910780
    E-mail: rebecca.thorning@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Mark Wales

    Mark Wales

    Non employee at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415532, +46761872287
    E-mail: mark.wales@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Malin Åberg Aas

    Malin Åberg Aas

    Communications Officer at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +46730946270
    E-mail: malin.aberg.aas@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp
  • Emil Åkesson

    Emil Åkesson

    Project Leader at the Department of People and Society

    Telephone: +4640415420, +46768347956
    E-mail: emil.akesson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Box 190

    234 22 Lomma
    Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5 , Alnarp