Maximizing carbon sequestration through integration of pigeon pea...
2024 Maximizing carbon sequestration through integration of pigeon pea in smallholder systems across South Asia and Africa Conference abstract
From the department of Ecology. Find all our publications in SLU´s publication database.
2024 Maximizing carbon sequestration through integration of pigeon pea in smallholder systems across South Asia and Africa Conference abstract
2023 Grass leys promote soil carbon sequestration and improve nitrogen cycling and soil structure Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2021 Estimation of nature conservation value using airborne laser scanning data by deadwood recognition Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2020 Odlingssystemens effekter på kolinlagring i jordbruksmark Conference paper
2020 Genome-wide association identifies genomic regions in fungus Clonostachys rosea that influence antagonism and biocontrol of plant-parasitic nematodes Conference abstract
2019 Identification of genomic regions involved in production of nematicidal compounds in the biocontrol fungus Clonostachys rosea through genome-wide association mapping. Conference abstract
2019 Rural modernization may have a dramatic effect on farmland biodiversity Conference poster
2019 Do laying hens have a preference for "jungle" light? Conference abstract
2019 Experimental rewilding enhances grassland functional composition and pollinator habitat use Conference abstract
2018 Effect of tetracycline and penicillin on total gas production from dairy cow feces Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2018 Does EU matter for Conservation? The Birds and Habitats directives from a Nordic perspective Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2018 Setting aside cultivated peatland does not mitigate CO2 emissions as revealed by chamber and eddy covariance measurements Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2018 Towards a sustainable insect food production system Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2018 Assessment of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum host range and banana cultivars susceptibility in Rwanda Conference abstract
2017 Bird habitat analysis from forest structure derived from sparse ALS data in boreal and hemi-boreal forest in Sweden Conference abstract
2017 The Effect of Plant Resistance on Biological Control of Insect Pests Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2017 P binding and sorbent dynamics Conference abstract
Briard, M(Ed./Editors) 2017 The potential of trap crops as a pest management strategy against the carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis) - an initial investigation of plant material for use as a trap crop Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2016 From Wild to Domestic to Wild Again: Opportunities with Wild Grazers Conference abstract
2016 Effect of application of nematode parasitizing fungus Clonostachys rosea on nematode communities and plant health Conference abstract
2016 Basidiomycete yeasts as hidden partners in ascomycete lichens Conference abstract
2016 Excipulum Structure of Opegrapha, Alyxoria and Zwackhia Conference abstract
2016 Sperm selection technique for reproductive biotechnologies in wildlife conservation Conference abstract
2016 Oh, how we pick and choose: On theoretical constructs in ecology and missed opportunities Conference abstract
2016 Visualizing fungal communities in lichens by fluorescent in situ hybridization Conference abstract
2016 Excipulum Structure of Opegrapha, Alyxoria and Zwackhia Conference abstract
2016 Shaping the Swedish landscape: a future for the Gotland russ Conference abstract
2016 Video analysis of animal-train encounters in Sweden Conference abstract
2016 Comparison of three variants of colloid centrifugation for sperm selection: sperm quality and blastocyst development in vitro. Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2015 Spatio-temporal patterns of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and brown bears (Ursus arctos) behavior during reindeer calving season Conference abstract
2015 Lombrices como agentes de control biológico de la fusariosis de la espiga en el trigo Conference abstract
2015 SAMBA: Breeding of Biomass Willows for Farmers by Integrating Molecular Genetics, Eco-physiology and Ecology Conference abstract
2015 Gynnande av naturliga fiender i äpple och grönsaker: En kunskapssammanställning Conference abstract
2015 Improved forest regeneration by triggering the induced defence of conifer seedlings against bark-feeding insects Conference abstract
2015 Projections to Latent Structures (PLS) to evaluate farming system effects on agro-ecosystem services: Changes after transition from conventional to organic farming system. Conference paper
2015 Testicle length as an indicator of sperm production in male alpacas in Sweden Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2015 Linking perception of green space characteristics and biodiversity with well-being and recreation in order to map urban cultural ecosystem services Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2014 Synergistic interaction between plant-feeding nematodes and the fungus rhizoctonia solani in potato Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2014 IENE - Infra Eco Network Europe: A network for sustainable green infrastructure compatible with transport routes and corridors Conference paper
2014 What makes a perennial a perennial? A meta-analysis of allocation patterns and functional traits in congeneric annual and perennial plant Conference abstract
2014 Reproductive seasonality among Swedish wild boars (Sus scrofa) Conference abstract
2014 On how to study the effects of climate change on trophic interactions: a holistic approach. Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2014 Coping with climate change through sustainable breeding strategies for Red Maasai Sheep Conference abstract
2014 Carbon sequestration in cropland – management strategies evaluated in long-term field experiments in northern Europe : proceedings of the international conference 27-29 May 2013 Reykjavik Iceland Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2014 Premature Proposal of the Pine Weevil as a Vector of a Human Pathogen Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2013 Gut bacteria in Anopheles darlingi with special emphasis on the genus Thorsella Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2013 Multifunctionality of agroforestry systems Conference abstract
2013 Assessing flicker fusion frequencies in hens through behavior and electroretinography (ERG) Conference abstract
2013 Estimating uncertainties in base cation weathering rates according to mass balance Conference abstract
2013 The SLU Centre for Biological Control: generating new knowledge on sustainable application of biocontrol Conference paper