Who is SVALUR?

Last changed: 05 June 2024

SVALUR brings together a highly interdisciplinary team of international experts from Sweden, USA, Norway, the Netherlands and the UK, covering a wide range of focus areas within the natural and social sciences.

We will work with many partners, including the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Climate-Ecological Arctic Observatory (COAT), Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observation System (SIOS), tour operator Oceanwide and WWF Global Arctic Programme. SVALUR is led by René van der Wal, Arctic ecologist, of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and co-led by Astrid Ogilvie, climate historian and Arctic human ecologist, of the Instititute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. 

Participating researchers by country and institution:

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden:

René van der Wal (rene.van.der.wal@slu.se)
Annette Löf (annette.lof@slu.se)
Lars Hallgren (lars.hallgren@slu.se)
Jasmine Zhang (jasmine.zhang@slu.se)

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden:

Rasmus Kløcker Larsen (rasmus.klocker.larsen@sei.org)

University of Iceland, Iceland:

Steven Hartman (hartman@hi.is)

Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado, Boulder, USA:

Astrid Ogilvie (astrid.ogilvie@colorado.edu)
Martin Miles (martin.miles@colorado.edu)

The Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT), Tromsø, Norway:

Vera Hausner (vera.hausner@uit.no)
Ann Lennert (ann.e.lennert@uit.no)
Linn Bruholt (lbr048@post.uit.no)

The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI), Tromsø, Norway:

Virve Ravolainen (virve.ravolainen@npolar.no)

University of Groningen (RUG), Arctic Centre, Groningen, the Netherlands:

Maarten Loonen (m.j.j.e.loonen@rug.nl)
Annette Scheepstra (a.j.m.scheepstra@rug.nl)
Zdenka Sokolíčková (z.sokolickova@rug.nl)
Esteban Ramirez (c.e.ramirez.hincapie@rug.nl)

Center for Alternative Technology, UK

Sam Saville (sam.saville@cat.org.uk)