Student information

Last changed: 07 June 2024

Here you will find general information for students at the Department of Economics.

Collect your exam

Exams may be collected on Wednesdays at 12:30-14:30 at the course administrators office at the Department of Economics, Ulls house, 4th floor

Please bring your code number and ID.

A student who wants an examiner’s decision to be reconsidered may, after having read through the assessment, request a copy of his/her exam paper instead of taking the original. The student thereby avoids any suspicion that changes or additions were made to the original after receipt.

Study with disabilities

If you would like an adaptation made to any kind of examination, contact the course leader well before the examination and ideally at the start of a course. It is important that you give the teachers a reasonable opportunity to make practical arrangements for the examination. 

With regard to adapted examinations, it is the examining teacher (examiner) who determines and decides whether support measures are possible, in view of the objectives and requirements of the course/study programme

Do you want to apply for support you will find more information on the student webb

Cheating and plagiarism

As a student at SLU, you have a responsibility for your own education. This means that you have a responsibility to be aware of the rules that apply at the university with regard to cheating and plagiarism.

What is cheating?

Cheating is where you use prohibited aids or other methods to attempt to deceive during examinations or other forms of assessment. Examples of cheating include:

  • using prohibited aids during written examinations
  • changing a returned and corrected piece of work
  • prohibited collaboration between students on individual assignments
  • copying another student’s work, copying without correctly attributing the source
  • fabricating data
  • falsely recording attendance of compulsory teaching
  • providing inaccurate information about previous study performance that is to be assessed for credit transfer
  • etc.

To be considered cheating, there must be intent to deceive. The student must have intentionally tried to deceive the teacher. This requires the student to have done this intentionally (not by mistake or through carelessness) and to have known that what he or she was doing was not allowed and this must have related to something forming part of the assessment of a study performance.

Plagiarism prevention

At SLU, a plagiarism investigation system known as Urkund is used. That means that all kinds of assignments, project work, memos, seminars’ assignments etc in courses offered by the Department of Economics can be subject to examination in Urkund. All independent projects (theses on all levels) will be examined in Urkund.

Information to Student representatives

If you have been elected student representative for your course, please find more information in the following link: Course evaluations

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