PhD studies at the Department of Economics

Last changed: 30 January 2025

The Department of Economics provides post graduate studies in business studies, and economics. Doing a PhD at our Department implies getting a clear subject specialization, normally applied to the agrarian sector or environmental problems. Currently, we have about twenty PhD students.

PhD Studies at the Department of Economics

The education takes four years, ending with a doctoral degree. It is also possible to finish the post graduate studies after two years. The student then gets a licentiate degree. About half of the post graduate education is devoted to course work and half to research. After finishing the post graduate education, the doctor can for example continue doing an academic career or do a career in the industry or within authorities. Here you can find general study plan.

Generally, the Department of Economics employs post graduate students starting in the autumn every other year, but sometimes post graduate students are employed at other times of the year as well. All post graduate students get a position as a PhD student (i.e. they are employed which includes social benefits). The positions are financed either by the Department’s research budget or by external funding.

The positions are advertised at, so please check that webpage regularly if you are interested in joining our team of post graduate students. Doing a PhD at our Department is a fun and challenging experience, which implies being an active part of the research units at the Department.


Recruitment and Admission


Here you will find an overview of the admission process for doctoral students to an advertised position, and to a position that has not been advertised

Templates to be used:

More info for recruitment and admission

Milestones YEAR 1


Renew your preliminary Individual Study Plan (ISP) within a period of 3 mounts via the ISP portal for digital management of doctoral students ISP. Only preliminary ISP’s need to be renewed.      


Make sure you are registered for the PhD courses , (name, personal number, and e-mail address are needed). Coordinate with your supervisor(s). Make sure your completed PhD courses are registered in Ladok. Coordinate with the PhD studies administrator.


Good time management is important! Activities included in doctoral courses and programmes are stated in the ISP. In addition,  the doctoral student continually registers the type and extent of both,  i) activities included in the program (a recommended template) and ii) activities that are not included in the program but conducted in parallel with the doctoral program (SLU-approved template).The principal supervisor and doctoral student review (at least two times/year is a suggestion) how much time has been spent on courses, research activities, other relevant information regarding teaching, sick leave etc. during the year.


Doctoral student salary agreement, level A - starting salary

Milestones YEAR 2


Follow up of the ISP from year 1 (25 % of net study time). The annual follow-up of must be carried out by the student and the supervisor at a formal meeting, and must be based on the general syllabus for the subject, an up-to-date extract from Ladok and the most recent version of the ISP. The follow-up should focus on the individual learning outcomes and the following must be assessed: How is the programme progressing? Can the programme be completed as currently planned? What action can be taken to improve the programme? What is planned for the coming year? The following two checklists can be of help: 1) checklist for the annual follow-up, and 2) checklist for discussing forms of cooperation.

New ISP is prepared for year 2 via the ISP portal for digital management of the doctoral students ISP.

The follow-up is documented in the ISP. The principal supervisor and the student sign the commitments document, after which the entire ISP is registered and filed. The commitments document is valid for a maximum of one calendar year from the date of signature.


Doctoral student salary agreement, level B. The salary increase at 25 % of the net study time requires an approved revised individual study plan.


Make sure you are registered for the PhD courses, (name, personal number, and e-mail address are needed). Coordinate with your supervisor(s). Make sure your completed PhD courses are registered in Ladok. Coordinate with the PhD studies administrator.

Papers in the thesis and the role of the doctoral student: Papers planned to be included in the doctoral thesis are stated in the ISP. It is recommended that the student is first author, or corresponding author, of at least two of the papers that make up their thesis. This recommendation is based on the wish to secure the possibilities for students to be involved in all steps of the publication process, and get the necessary experience of the publication process. In case if, the student does not appear as first author/corresponding author, on at least two papers in a compilations thesis, all supervisors must in writing clearly o explain why. Details can be found from the guidelines for the order of authors on papers. A compilation thesis for a degree of Doctor consist of at least three papers, and at least one of the papers must have been accepted for publication or have been published in an international scientific journal.


Good time management is important! Activities included in doctoral courses and programmes are stated in the ISP. In addition,  the doctoral student continually registers the type and extent of both,  i) activities included in the program (a recommended template) and ii) activities that are not included in the program but conducted in parallel with the doctoral program (SLU-approved template).The principal supervisor and doctoral student review (at least two times/year is a suggestion) how much time has been spent on courses, research activities, other relevant information regarding teaching, sick leave etc. during the year.

Milstones YEAR 3


Half-time seminar: After two years' net study time, but before the midway review the doctoral student must hold a department seminar at which he/she displays sufficient ability to: orally present his/her thesis work; discuss and analyse general and specific methods in the subject area; independently discuss and analyse the results achieved. The oral presentation must be assessed by a person who has been admitted as docent, or possesses scientific competence considered by the faculty board to be equivalent to that required of a docent in the relevant subject. A supervisor or other person with a conflict of interest may not be an assessor. Conclusions and comments from the assessment must be related to the individual learning outcomes and the nature of the subject, and must be discussed with the student in conjunction with the annual follow-up. Instructions for the examiner can be found in the template:half-time seminar - instructions for the evaluator.

New ISP is prepared for year 3 via the ISP portal for digital management of the doctoral students ISP.
The principal supervisor and the student sign the commitments document, after which the entire ISP is registered and filed. The commitments document is valid for a maximum of one calendar year from the date of signature.

Half-time follow up (50 % of the net time): In conjunction with the half-time follow up, the supervisor, doctoral student and a director of PhD studies discuss the updated ISP and the seminar and decide whether the general prospects of the program and the thesis are sufficiently good.  A template for half-time follow up should be used.


Doctoral student salary agreement, level C (50 % of net study time). The salary increase at 50 % of the net study time requires: i) an approved half-time seminar with an external examiner, ii) an approved revised individual study plan and iii) an approved half-time follow-up.


Make sure you are registered for the PhD courses, (name, personal number, and e-mail address are needed). Coordinate with your supervisor(s). Make sure your completed PhD courses are registered in Ladok. Coordinate with the PhD studies administrator.

Papers in the thesis and the role of the doctoral student: Papers planned to be included in the doctoral thesis are stated in the ISP. It is recommended that the student is first author, or corresponding author, of at least two of the papers that make up their thesis. This recommendation is based on the wish to secure the possibilities for students to be involved in all steps of the publication process, and get the necessary experience of the publication process. In case if, the student does not appear as first author/corresponding author, on at least two papers in a compilations thesis, all supervisors must in writing clearly o explain why. More details can be found from the Guidelines for the order of authors on papers. A compilation thesis for a degree of Doctor consist of at least three papers, and at least one of the papers must have been accepted for publication or have been published in an international scientific journal.


Good time management is important! Activities included in doctoral courses and programmes are stated in the ISP. In addition,  the doctoral student continually registers the type and extent of both:  i) activities included in the program (a recommended template) and ii) activities that are not included in the program but conducted in parallel with the doctoral program (SLU-approved template). The principal supervisor and doctoral student review (at least two times/year is a suggestion) how much time has been spent on courses, research activities, other relevant information regarding teaching, sick leave etc. during the year.

Milestones YEAR 4

New ISP is prepared for year 4 via the ISP portal for digital management of the doctoral students ISP. The principal supervisor and the student sign the commitments document, after which the entire ISP is registered and filed. The commitments document is valid for a maximum of one calendar year from the date of signature.

Final follow up: the supervisor, doctoral student and the Director of PhD studies revise the study activities, and the realistic time plan for the remaining time of the PhD education, and decide whether the general prospects of the program and the thesis are sufficiently good. A template for the Final follow up should be used.



Doctoral student salary agreement, level D (75 % of net study time). The salary increase at 75 % of the net study time requires: i) an approved revised individual study plan and ii) an approved final follow-up.  



Make sure you have completed and registered all the courses in Ladok. Coordinate with the PhD studies administrator.

Papers in the thesis and the role of the doctoral student: Papers planned to be included in the doctoral thesis are stated in the ISP. It is recommended that the student is first author, or corresponding author, of at least two of the papers that make up their thesis. This recommendation is based on the wish to secure the possibilities for students to be involved in all steps of the publication process, and get the necessary experience of the publication process. In case if, the student does not appear as first author/corresponding author, on at least two papers in a compilations thesis, all supervisors must in writing clearly explain why. Details can be found from the Guidelines for the order of authors on papers. A compilation thesis for a degree of Doctor consist of at least three papers, and at least one of the papers must have been accepted for publication or have been published in an international scientific journal. In case if these conditions are not satisfied, an external pre-examination is needed. The application must explain why the requirements need not be met. Standard template for Pre-examination minutes compilation thesis is used.

Here you can find the SLU template for doctoral thesis.



Good time management is important! Activities included in doctoral courses and programmes are stated in the ISP. In addition,  the doctoral student continually registers the type and extent of both,  i) activities included in the program (a recommended template) and ii) activities that are not included in the program but conducted in parallel with the doctoral program (SLU-approved template).The principal supervisor and doctoral student review (at least two times/year is a suggestion) how much time has been spent on courses, research activities, other relevant information regarding teaching, sick leave etc. during the year.



4-6 mounts before the dissertation (the principal supervisor):
book a time for dissertation by contacting the SLU’s
Education Officer  responsible for the Department of Economics. Free time slots can be found in the calendar for public defense (NJ-faculty). Contact the opponent, the committee members and the chair. Book a room.

3 mounts before the dissertation (the principal supervisor and the PhD student): The Application for defense of thesis and a Declaration for conflict of interest  must be submitted to the office at least 3 months before the dissertation (12 weeks for PhD students admitted before 2013). After a decision on disputes, the Office sends information to the opponent, committee, chairman, doctoral student and supervisor via e-mail. The information contains a copy of the decision as well as the student's degree and information about the dissertation act. After the decision, the supervisor is responsible for the administrator / economist of the institution receiving addresses to the opponent and the committee to prepare any travel expenses and fees.

3 weeks before the dissertation (the PhD student): Time for ”nailing the thesis”. One example of the thesis to be sent to registry office ”registrator” and the ”library” as well as published in electronic version in Epsilon.


Dissertation day (the principal supervisor): After the public defence, one copy of the Examining committee minutes to be given to the local administrator for registration in Ladok. The original to be sent to the faculty office.

Research School: People, Society and Sustainability (PSS)

The Department of Economics and the Department of Urban and Rural Development are joined in the research school People, Society and Sustainability (PSS).

PhD courses and general study plan

Here you can find information about SLU's Doctoral student courses, Doctoral education subjects and general syllabuses.

From registration to defense

To all PhD students and supervisors (guidelines, templates, regulations). This portal lists links to more information.

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