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Number of search results: 10

  • Kajsa Lisa Broström

    Kajsa Lisa Broström

    Research Assistant at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    E-mail: kajsa.lisa.brostrom@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala
  • Anna Kristina Edenbrandt

    Anna Kristina Edenbrandt

    Researcher at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    E-mail: anna.edenbrandt@slu.se

    Postal address:
    AgriFood Economics Centre
    Box 7080
    220 07 Lund
    Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15 D, 223 63 Lund , Lund
  • Uliana Gottlieb

    Uliana Gottlieb

    Researcher at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    Telephone: +4618671635
    E-mail: uliana.gottlieb@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för ekonomi, Box 7013

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Ultuna , Uppsala
  • Gustav Johed

    Gustav Johed

    Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    E-mail: gustav.johed@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala
  • Carl-Johan Lagerkvist

    Carl-Johan Lagerkvist

    Professor at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    Telephone: 018-671783
    E-mail: carl-johan.lagerkvist@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala
  • Nina Lind Ranneberg

    Nina Lind Ranneberg

    Researcher at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    Telephone: 018-671545
    E-mail: nina.lind@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala
  • Isabelle Lundholm

    Isabelle Lundholm

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    E-mail: isabelle.lundholm@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala
  • Emilia Mattsson

    Emilia Mattsson

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    Telephone: +46705218869
    E-mail: emilia.mattsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala
  • Jens Rommel

    Jens Rommel

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    E-mail: jens.rommel@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för ekonomi, Box 7013

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Ultuna , Uppsala
  • Dina Tinjic

    Dina Tinjic

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Economics; Decision-making and Managerial Behavior

    E-mail: dina.tinjic@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Institutionen för ekonomi
    Box 7013
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala , Uppsala