Exam collection Department of energy and technology

Last changed: 06 December 2024
Evening picture of the MVM house at Ultuna. Photo.

The collection of exams for the Department of energy and technology during the autumn term is open on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 12:50 hrs. Starting on January 2025 open on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 13:00 hrs.

You are welcome to pick up your exam or re-take exam at the Exam collection room, by the entrance of the MVM building. Our opening time during the autumn term 2024 is on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 12:50 hrs . The digital collection of exams (scanned exams) is now closed.  

Starting on Januari 2025 the opening days will be on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 13:00.

Important information:

  • The information provided here is valid exclusively to exams for the courses for which the Department of Energy and Technology is responsible. If your course is given by other departments it is better that you ask the course responsible to find out about the process for that specific course.
  • Please keep in mind that you need to show your ID-card (with picture) to collect your exam. 
  • If you cannot collect your exam personally, you can ask someone else to do it for you. The appointed person needs to show their photo-ID-card as well as yours (or a copy of it).
  • If you want to ask for a revision of your grade, the original of your test cannot leave the premises of the Exam collection room. You can instead get a paper copy of the exam or take a photo yourself with your phone (you can find the forms to request the revision of your grade with the responsible of the exam collection room).

Opening days:

Exam collection for the Department of Energy and Technology during the Autumn term 2024 is open from Augusti 7th to December 11th on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 12:50 hrs.

Our exam collection is closed from December 12th and until 10th January (weeks 51-51, 1-2). We open again on the 14th of January.

Starting on the Spring term 2025 the exam collection of the department is open from the 14th of January to the 17th of June, on tuesdays from 12:00 to 13:00 hours. Exceptions (closed days) will be published here immediately after they are planned.


  • Identification with a ID-card with your photo is needed to pick up any exam. 
  • All the exams and re-take exams are stored during two years. Afterwards the paper documents are destroyed.


Agnes Soto, Education Administrator
Department of Energy and Technology, Department of Energy and Technology, department office
agnes.soto@slu.se, +4618671830