Department of Energy and Technology, Bioenergy technology
Sweden unually uses 571 TWh of energy, of which 124 TWh comes from bioenergy (2009). As a renewable source of energy it is of interest to increase the share. Depending on the feedstock and wanted application many different types of fuel can be relevant.
Etanol is more demanding than biogas with regards to the feedstock, as the feedstock needs to have a high enough cellulose and saccharide content, but is on the other hand easier to use as a fuel as it is a liquid rather than a gas. Our research is focused on making the feedstock use as efficient as possible by combining multiple biofuel production processes.
By burning hay it would be possible to generate about 4 TWh of energy, of which currently only a fraction is generated. Our research focus on understanding existing bottlenecks and what can be done to overcome them.
It is often practical to make pellets out of biomass. Can pelleting be used on new types of feedstock? How is it possible to enhancing the pelleting process?