
Data from many of the unit's long-term field trials and environmental analysis programmes are freely available to download from various databases. In some cases, a login may be required.
Databases at the unit
Long-term field trials
Silvaboreal is a database containing metadata on long-term field trials in Sweden. The database contains information on over 4000 field trials, of which about half are managed by the unit. Silvaboreal is developed and operated by the unit for field-based forest research in collaboration with SkogForsk, the Swedish Forest Agency, IVL - the Swedish Environmental Institute, the Swedish Energy Agency, Sveaskog and Holmen.
Visit silvaboreal (in Swedish).
The field-trial database
This is where we store and manage measurement data from the unit's own long-term field trials. Most of the trials in the database are also included in Silvaboreal and statistics from each trial can be downloaded from there for logged in users. Login is required to access the field trial database, get in touch if you are interested!
Visit the field-trial database.
Reference climate data
The unit operates several environmental monitoring programmes with long time series. Daily averages are available from our database for reference climate data. Login is required to download data, get in touch!
Visit the database for reference climate data.
Data from projects using our infrastructure
The unit helps with several projects and measurement programmes that utilize the infrastructure at our field research stations and experimental parks. We collect these projects in The safe deposit. You can also access data from several of these projects.
Data at partner organisations
The unit for field-based forest research participates in several major collaborative projects, and several of these have their own data portals to which the unit's stations deliver data.
ICOS Carbon Portal
This is where all data from the atmosphere and ecosystem stations within the ICOS infrastructure at Svartberget and Degerö end up.
Visit ICOS Swedens homepage for more information on the infrastructure.
SITES data portal
This database mainly contains data from the long-term measurement programmes at Vindeln's and Asa's experimental forests, as well as data from the thematic programmes within SITES. The database is under construction.
Visit SITES homepage for more information on the infrastructure.