Hjalmar Laudon, Professor Forest Landscape Biogeochemistry
Department of Forest Ecology and Managemnet, SLU, (work) +46 90 786 85 84, (home) +46 935 401 81, +46 70 560 66 25
Last week, a platform with mesocosms was installed in lake Stortjärn.
The installation is part of SITES AquaNet and the program as a whole will allow researchers from around the world to perform experiments with mesocosms at different locations in Sweden. By using the platform, different environments can be created to study how different parameters affect things such as species compisition in the water.
Hjalmar Laudon, Professor Forest Landscape Biogeochemistry
Department of Forest Ecology and Managemnet, SLU, (work) +46 90 786 85 84, (home) +46 935 401 81, +46 70 560 66 25