SvampHäll - Development of a cost-effective and automatic system for production of edible mushroom and mushroom-growing substrates in Sweden
SvampHäll is a project of European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) program. Swedish Board of Agriculture is responsible for the financing and actions in Sweden.
The general goal of this project is to further develop our innovations for combined production of edible mushrooms and biofuels in Sweden. The core innovation is stemmed from our previous researches that resulted in novel method and processes (patents in pending) that shall lower the energy consumption and expenses for production of edible mushrooms in Sweden. This project will validate newly developed techniques and evaluate prototypes of invented devices and processes, which will increase possibilities of automation of mushroom industry. The results shall enable the development a cost-effective, environmental-friendly and energy-and-resource efficient cultivation of edible fungi – a protein rich food.
In connection with the Svamphäll-project, a modern mushroom robot lab is being built at SLU in Umeå (Skogis). An ABB robot station will be installed in the lab to facilitate the development of an automatic process for mushroom production. The SLU forestry faculty and the Kempestiftelsarna financed the new lab.