Forest Ecology and Sustainable Management
MSc with a major in Forestry Science or Biology
Do you want to study Forest Management, rooted in ecological principles and focused on sustainability in the midst of global climate change? Then this is the right program for you! Come and get your degree from the university ranked number 1 in forestry science.

Program Information
This interdisciplinary program combines forest management, ecosystem ecology, ecophysiology, soil science and hydrology to provide young professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of ecologically, economically and socially sustainable forest management, with a focus on the boreal region – the largest land biome in the world.
This is the ideal degree if you are aiming for a career in applied forest ecology, silviculture, forest management, or a research career within these topics.
In this program, you will learn directly from the researchers who develop forestry science and forest ecology at the cutting edge of their fields.
As a student in the program you have the opportunity to apply, in competition, to the exchange program TRANSFOR-M for your second year of program studies. Within TRANSFOR-M, you have the opportunity to study for a year at one of three partner universities; University of British Columbia, University of Alberta or Lakehead University. After completing your studies, you meet the requirements to apply for a double degree, one from SLU and one from the Canadian university.
For more information Contact
Researcher at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17, Umeå