Professor Hjalmar Laudon
Phone +46-(0)90-786 8584
Cellular +46-(0)70-560 6625
In addition to research and education the department is responsible for the science conducted at the Svartberget research, environmental monitoring and assessment field infrastructure. This means that we are responsible for monitoring the forests, lakes, watercourses and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity as well as greenhouse budgets in order to analyze environmental trends. This makes the department a key player in interpreting and understanding changes such as those that may result from a warmer climate.
We use the data and results from the environmental monitoring and assessment to track progress towards Sweden's environmental objectives and its commitments under international agreements. The data is also important for research activities aiming at explaining trends, with the ultimate aim to suggest measures to alter unwanted trends.
Professor Hjalmar Laudon
Phone +46-(0)90-786 8584
Cellular +46-(0)70-560 6625