12th BIOGEOMON International Symposium on Ecosystem Biogeochemistry June 8-12 2026 Umeå, Sweden
Biogeomon theme 2026: Ecosystems in Transition
Date: June 8th- 12th 2026
Venue: Umeå University
The twelfth BioGeoMon conference will be a welcoming, interdisciplinary forum for discussion of recent findings and the exploration of future directions in the interdisciplinary field of biogeochemical research in ecosystems. Participation by early career scientists and graduate students will be particularly encouraged!
Please add the conference dates to your calender BIOGEOMON.ics, bookmark the website\BIOGEOMON2026 and sign up for the conference mailing list. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the conference committee at
Greetings from the BIOGEOMON 2026 committee

Kevin Bishop
Professor at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment; Division of Geochemistry and Hydrology

Blaize Denfeld
Assistant Manager at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment; Division of Geochemistry and Hydrology

Hjalmar Laudon
Head of department, Professor at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management;

Tejshree Tiwari
Coordinator at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff