Krycklan Data Services
Here you can download biogeochemistry data and runoff data from the Krycklan catchment. Links to meteorological data and GIS data is also available

Long-term time series of water chemistry and Runoff
Long-term records are available from 2010-2023 from 10 regularly monitored sub-catchments for runoff and the following water chemical parameters:
- pH
- Water temperature
- Conductivity
- Absorbance
- Cations /Anions
- 18O

GIS Data
The following GIS data are available for download

Svartberget Meterological Data
Reference climate data from the svartberget catchment is available from 1991-2023 for the following parameters
- Precipitation
- Air temperature
- Soil temperature
- Vapour pressure
- Global radiation
- Wind speed

Published: 15 February 2024 - Page editor: