Forest bathing with SLU Forest and Health - During in- congress excursion to Tyresta national park at IUFRO 2024

Last changed: 25 June 2024

The research group SLU Forest and Health, invites you to join a Forest Bathing session during the excursion to Tyresta National Park. (1. Fire dynamics and disturbances in past and present forest landscapes)


Nature-based health research is the overall concept which we use for all research into the link between nature, animals and human health. The research may examine garden rehabilitation, forest-, wilderness- or eco-therapy, or animals and nature in care and welfare. It may be about dogs in schools or the importance of nature to existential health. The studies cover a very wide range of academic disciplines, such as psychology, forestry, landscape architecture, medicine and physiotherapy. The methods vary, as do the research environments.

Within Forestry and Health at SLU, we conduct interdisciplinary research, development work and collaborate with the surrounding society. We are specialists in the forest environment and collaborate with researchers in other disciplines, usually medicine and environmental psychology, to be able to answer our questions. The goal of the research is to show the connections between the forest and human health: Which type of forest is most important for health? What happens to humans both physically and psychologically when they stay in the forest environment? The research group Forest and Health will be the one who guide you through an excursion and exercise which are and has been a part of their research.

Join us in a study about the effect of Forest bathing on human health and well-beeing

We invite you to participate in a study examining how resting in the forest, i.e., forest bathing, can affect your mood. The excursion also contain a brief lecture on forest research and health, explaining how this exercise contributes to ongoing studies. You will also be asked to complete a Mood Survey before and after the rest.

Here is how it works:

After the introduction, you will select a spot in the forest for your rest. Please choose a spot where you feel comfortable staying for a while, preferably as away from as many distractions like people, traffic, and noise as possible at the location. Get comfortable sitting quietly and immerse yourself in nature for about an hour.

BEFORE and AFTER the experience, you will complete Mood Survey forms on your phone (se below), which are directly related to the activity. Afterwards, you will see the averages for everyone who participated.

Dress appropriately for the weather (slightly warmer than you think necessary as you will be sitting for a while). We will provide you with a sitting pad.

We will wrap up the excursion by discussing our experiences and findings, accompanied by a traditional Swedish "fika" (coffee and cake/sandwich) or lunch in the forest. The aim is to understand and discuss how the forest influences mood and its potential for Nature-Based Interventions.


Anna Maria Pálsdóttir, Marcus Hedblom, Elisabet Bohlin, Ann Dolling;
SLU Forest and Health group






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