
Undergraduate Education
Forest Ecology and Conservation Biology (BI1434)
Description: This course provides in-depth knowledge of ecological concepts and theories related to forest ecosystems with a focus on conservation biology. The various levels in ecology, from genes and organisms through to populations, communities and ecosystems, are covered within the context of major ecological themes while highlighting conservation principles and applications throughout.
Contact: Stefan Hupperts (co-leader)
Masters Course
Forest Ecosystem Ecology (BI1369)
Description: This course focuses on ecological principles that underlie key properties, processes and functions in forests. Topics span across spatial and temporal scales, aquatic and terrestrial environments, the plant and soil subsystems, and has a particular focus on how current global changes may affect future forest functions and services. The course consists of a wide range of learning activities from lectures, individual and group exercises, and project work.
Contact: Maja Sundqvist
Masters Thesis (30 HP: Course code EX962) or (60 HP: Course code EX963):
Description: Researchers within the Forest Vegetation Ecology unit regularly supervise MSc students Master’s projects. These projects can range from new field or lab based measurements within an existing project program, or can utilize already existing datasets. Please visit our researchers webpages, and contact them directly if interested in their research areas. Some MSc projects are already described on the Canvas page, which also includes all information you need before starting a Master’s project:
PhD Education
Forest Ecosystem Functioning (7.5 HP)
Description: We anticipate running the next PhD course in June 2025. The course will cover various aspects of Boreal Forest Ecology, with a focus on connecting communities to ecosystem functioning. The course will cover successional processes, including fire disturbance, vegetation recovery, succession, and ecosystem retrogression. The focus will also be made between natural primary forests and even-aged managed forests. The course will include a range of indoor and field based lectures by invited instructors, as well as student presentation.
Contact: Michael Gundale