Plant organic nitrogen nutrition: costs, benefits, and carbon use efficiency
2025 Plant organic nitrogen nutrition: costs, benefits, and carbon use efficiency Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Plant organic nitrogen nutrition: costs, benefits, and carbon use efficiency Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 An eco-physiological model of forest photosynthesis and transpiration under combined nitrogen and water limitation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Improved methodology for tracing a pulse of 13C-labelled tree photosynthate carbon to ectomycorrhizal roots, other soil biota and soil processes in the field Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Aboveground and belowground trait coordination across twelve boreal forest tree species Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Field-based soil extractions capture more amino acids that are lost during short-term storage Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Biogeochemical patterns vary with hydrogeomorphology in riparian soils along a boreal headwater stream Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Swedish forest growth decline: A consequence of climate warming? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Partitioning gross primary production of a boreal forest among species and strata: A multi-method approach Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Mother trees, altruistic fungi, and the perils of plant personification Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Nitrogen uptake, retranslocation and potential N2-fixation in Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Tree Rings Mercury Controlled by Atmospheric Gaseous Elemental Mercury and Tree Physiology Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Carbon budget at the individual-tree scale: dominant Eucalyptus trees partition less carbon belowground Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Effects of small-scale outplanting fertilization on conifer seedling growth and fungal community establishment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Disaggregation of canopy photosynthesis among tree species in a mixed broadleaf forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 The effect of nitrogen source and levels on hybrid aspen tree physiology and wood formation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Glucose-Sensitive Biohybrid Roots for Supercapacitive Bioanodes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Pisolithus microcarpus isolates with contrasting abilities to colonise Eucalyptus grandis exhibit significant differences in metabolic signalling Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Overlooked branch turnover creates a widespread bias in forest carbon accounting Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Re-examining the evidence for the mother tree hypothesis - resource sharing among trees via ectomycorrhizal networks Review article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Presence and activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Scots pine needles in a boreal forest: a nitrogen-addition experiment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Forest inventory tree core archive reveals changes in boreal wood traits over seven decades Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 SEC14-GOLD protein PATELLIN2 binds IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 linking root iron uptake to vitamin E Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Thermal imaging of increment cores: a new method to estimate sapwood depth in trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Chitosan-Modified Polyethyleneimine Nanoparticles for Enhancing the Carboxylation Reaction and Plants' CO2 Uptake Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Among-species variation in sap pH affects the xylem CO2 transport potential in trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Transformer-based deep learning for predicting protein properties in the life sciences Review article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Components explain, but do eddy fluxes constrain? Carbon budget of a nitrogen-fertilized boreal Scots pine forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Laser ablation of tree-ring isotopes: pinpoint precision Other publication in scientific journal (Peer reviewed)
2023 Förstudie kring miljöanpassad skogsgödsling för ökad skoglig tillväxt - slutrapportering av regeringsuppdrag Report
2023 Using microdialysis with a deuterium oxide tracer to estimate water exchange, water content and active surface area of the probe Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Tree-ring isotopic composition reveals intraspecific variation in water use efficiency of Ait. provenances grown in common gardens Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Metatranscriptomics captures dynamic shifts in mycorrhizal coordination in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Water taken up through the bark is detected in the transpiration stream in intact upper-canopy branches Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Limits to photosynthesis: seasonal shifts in supply and demand for CO2 in Scots pine Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Can tree-ring chemistry be used to monitor atmospheric nanoparticle contamination over time? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Spatial variability in tree-ring carbon isotope discrimination in response to local drought across the entire loblolly pine natural range Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Timing is everything - obtaining accurate measures of plant uptake of amino acids Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 To have or not to have: expression of amino acid transporters during pathogen infection Review article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Continuous in situ measurements of water stable isotopes in soils, tree trunk and root xylem: Field approval Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 The influence of sucrose on soil nitrogen availability - A root exudate simulation using microdialysis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Nitrate fertilization may delay autumn leaf senescence, while amino acid treatments do not Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Technical note: Conservative storage of water vapour - practical in situ sampling of stable isotopes in tree stems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Do mycorrhizal symbionts drive latitudinal trends in photosynthetic carbon use efficiency and carbon sequestration in boreal forests? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 White pine blister rust, logging, and species replacement increased streamflow in a montane watershed in the northern Rockies, USA Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Long-term nitrogen addition raises the annual carbon sink of a boreal forest to a new steady-state Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Those who can don't want to, and those who want to can't: An eco-evolutionary mechanism of soil carbon persistence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Linking canopy-scale mesophyll conductance and phloem sugar delta C-13 using empirical and modelling approaches Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Novel Microdialysis Technique Reveals a Dramatic Shift in Metabolite Secretion during the Early Stages of the Interaction between the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and Its Host Eucalyptus grandis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Belowground resource utilization in monocultures and mixtures of Scots pine and Norway spruce Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Organic nitrogen nutrition: LHT1.2 protein from hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. x tremuloides Michx) is a functional amino acid transporter and a homolog of Arabidopsis LHT1 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Drought reduces water uptake in beech from the drying topsoil, but no compensatory uptake occurs from deeper soil layers Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 A carbon-budget approach shows that reduced decomposition causes the nitrogen-induced increase in soil carbon in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Fe acquisition at the crossroad of calcium and reactive oxygen species signaling Review article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Effects of Early, Small-Scale Nitrogen Addition on Germination and Early Growth of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Seedlings and on the Recruitment of the Root-Associated Fungal Community Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Potential of typical highland and mountain forests in the Czech Republic for climate-smart forestry: ecosystem-scale drought responses Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices Review article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging as an In Situ and Label-Free Readout for the Chemical Composition of Lignin Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Organic nitrogen enhances nitrogen nutrition and early growth of Pinus sylvestris seedlings Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Biohybrid plants with electronic roots via in vivo polymerization of conjugated oligomers Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Tree water uptake enhances nitrogen acquisition in a fertilized boreal forest - but not under nitrogen-poor conditions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 The mycorrhizal tragedy of the commons Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Disaggregating the effects of nitrogen addition on gross primary production in a boreal Scots pine forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Whole-tree mesophyll conductance reconciles isotopic and gas-exchange estimates of water-use efficiency Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Decadal nitrogen addition alters chemical composition of soil organic matter in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Limited vertical CO2 transport in stems of mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Increased tree growth following long-term optimised fertiliser application indirectly alters soil properties in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Isotopic Branchpoints: Linkages and Efficiencies in Carbon and Water Budgets Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Relationship between Forest Ecophysiology and Environment Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2021 Growing medium soluble carbon and nitrogen influence xylem sap and soluble solid contents in greenhouse cucumber fruits Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Estimating canopy gross primary production by combining phloem stable isotopes with canopy and mesophyll conductances Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The way back: recovery of trees from drought and its implication for acclimation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Causes and consequences of pronounced variation in the isotope composition of plant xylem water Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 An optimized method for studying fungal biomass and necromass in peatlands via chitin concentration Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Borehole Equilibration: Testing a New Method to Monitor the Isotopic Composition of Tree Xylem Water in situ Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Microdialysis in soil environments: Current practice and future perspectives Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx) Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Diurnal variation in mesophyll conductance and its influence on modelled water-use efficiency in a mature boreal Pinus sylvestris stand Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Microdialysis as an in situ technique for sampling soil enzymes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Why does nitrogen addition to forest soils inhibit decomposition? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Using delta C-13 and delta O-18 to analyze loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) response to experimental drought and fertilization Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 A heuristic classification of woody plants based on contrasting shade and drought strategies Research article (Peer reviewed)
Liesche, J(Ed./Editors) 2019 Stem Compression: A Means to Reversibly Reduce Phloem Transport in Tree Stems Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2019 Combining microdialysis with metabolomics to characterize the in situ composition of dissolved organic compounds in boreal forest soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Improved in vivo measurement of alternative oxidase respiration in field-collected pine roots Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Boreal forest biomass accumulation is not increased by two decades of soil warming Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Quantifying the contribution of mass flow to nitrogen acquisition by an individual plant root Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Organic Nitrogen Uptake and Assimilation in Cucumis sativus Using Position-Specific Labeling and Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Ideas and perspectives: Tracing terrestrial ecosystem water fluxes using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes - challenges and opportunities from an interdisciplinary perspective Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Microbial community response to growing season and plant nutrient optimisation in a boreal Norway spruce forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Forest productivity varies with soil moisture more than temperature in a small montane watershed Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Water balance of pine forests: Synthesis of new and published results Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Photosynthetic refixation varies along the stem and reduces CO2 efflux in mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Optimising methods for the recovery and quantification of di- and tripeptides in soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Impact of Canopy Decoupling and Subcanopy Advection on the Annual Carbon Balance of a Boreal Scots Pine Forest as Derived From Eddy Covariance Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Interplay between N-form and N-dose influences ecosystem effects of N addition to boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Temperature responses of photosynthetic capacity parameters were not affected by foliar nitrogen content inmature Pinus sylvestris Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Tree carbon partitioning, respiratory efficiency, and nitrogen acquisition Doctoral thesis
2017 Tree ring wood density of Scots pine and European beech lower in mixed-species stands compared with monocultures Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Symbiosis constraints: Strong mycobiont control limits nutrient response in lichens Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Improving in situ recovery of soil nitrogen using the microdialysis technique Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Incorporating mass flow strongly promotes N flux rates in boreal forest soils Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Annual climate variation modifies nitrogen induced carbon accumulation of Pinus sylvestris forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Amino acid transporter mutants of Arabidopsis provides evidence that a non-mycorrhizal plant acquires organic nitrogen from agricultural soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Informing climate models with rapid chamber measurements of forest carbon uptake Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Evaluating hillslope and riparian contributions to dissolved nitrogen (N) export from a boreal forest catchment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Ecophysiological variation of transpiration of pine forests: synthesis of new and published results Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 The carbon bonus of organic nitrogen enhances nitrogen use efficiency of plants Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Tamm review: on the nature of the nitrogen limitation to plant growth in Fennoscandian boreal forests. Review article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Can adjustments in foliar nitrogen-use efficiency reduce drought stress impacts on boreal trees? Other publication (Peer reviewed)
2017 Apparent Winter CO2 uptake by a boreal forest due to decoupling Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Direct acquisition of organic N by white clover even in the presence of inorganic N Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Influence of Soil Types on Establishment and Early Growth of Populus trichocarpa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Nitrogen dynamics in managed boreal forests: Recent advances and future research directions Review article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Terrestrial nitrogen cycling in Earth system models revisited Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2016 Increased Needle Nitrogen Contents Did Not Improve Shoot Photosynthetic Performance of Mature Nitrogen-Poor Scots Pine Trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Simulated water budget of a small forested watershed in the continental/maritime hydroclimatic region of the United States Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Seasonality and nitrogen supply modify carbon partitioning in understory vegetation of a boreal coniferous forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 A dynamic leaf gas-exchange strategy is conserved in woody plants under changing ambient CO2: evidence from carbon isotope discrimination in paleo and CO2 enrichment studies Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Greater carbon allocation to mycorrhizal fungi reduces tree nitrogen uptake in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Soil diffusive fluxes constitute the bottleneck to tree nitrogen nutrition in a Scots pine forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Stem compression reversibly reduces phloem transport in Pinus sylvestris trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Detecting long-term metabolic shifts using isotopomers: CO2-driven suppression of photorespiration in C-3 plants over the 20th century Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Genomics in a changing arctic: critical questions await the molecular ecologist Other publication (Peer reviewed)
2015 Nitrogen fluxes at the root-soil interface show a mismatch of nitrogen fertilizer supply and sugarcane root uptake capacity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Inter-annual variability of precipitation constrains the production response of boreal Pinus sylvestris to nitrogen fertilization Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Är mykorrhizan en bidragande orsak till skogens kvävebrist? Factsheet
2014 Plant nitrogen status and co-occurrence of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources influence root uptake by Scots pine seedlings Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 In situ measurements of diffusion and mass flow of nitrogen compounds in forest soils using microdialysis Other publication
2014 Old roots contribute to nitrogen uptake by tree seedlings Other publication in scientific journal (Peer reviewed)
2014 Organic nitrogen Other publication
2014 Early season dynamics of soil nitrogen fluxes in fertilized and unfertilized boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Genetics of superior growth traits in trees are being mapped but will the faster-growing risk-takers make it in the wild? Other publication (Peer reviewed)
2014 How eco-evolutionary principles can guide tree breeding and tree biotechnology for enhanced productivity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Effects of externally supplied protein on root morphology and biomass allocation in Arabidopsis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Reconstructing Disturbances and Their Biogeochemical Consequences over Multiple Timescales Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 The return of an experimentally N-saturated boreal forest to an N-limited state: observations on the soil microbial community structure, biotic N retention capacity and gross N mineralisation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Forests trapped in nitrogen limitation - an ecological market perspective on ectomycorrhizal symbiosis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Direct estimation of mass flow and diffusion of nitrogen compounds in solution and soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Constraining 3-PG with a new delta C-13 submodel: a test using the delta C-13 of tree rings Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 3-PG simulations of young ponderosa pine plantations under varied management intensity: Why do they grow so differently? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Are ectomycorrhizal fungi alleviating or aggravating nitrogen limitation of tree growth in boreal forests? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Mineral nutrition and elevated [CO2] interact to modify delta C-13, an index of gas exchange, in Norway spruce Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Direct uptake and rapid decrease of organic nitrogen by Wollemia nobilis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Environmental and physiological determinants of carbon isotope discrimination in terrestrial plants Review article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Exploring the Nitrogen Ingestion of Aphids — A New Method Using Electrical Penetration Graph and 15N Labelling Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Organic nitrogen uptake of Scots pine seedlings is independent of current carbohydrate supply Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 Knowledge gaps in soil carbon and nitrogen interactions - From molecular to global scale. Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2012 Allocation of carbon to fine root compounds and their residence times in a boreal forest depend on root size class and seassson Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 The below-ground perspective of forest plants: soil provides mainly organic nitrogen for plants and mycorrhizal fungi Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 Cultivation of Norway spruce and Scots pine on organic nitrogen improves seedling morphology and field performance Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 Plant root distributions and nitrogen uptake predicted by a hypothesis of optimal root foraging Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 A novel method to measure the effect of temperature on diffusion of plant-available nitrogen in soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Knowledge gaps in soil carbon and nitrogen interactions – From molecular to global scale Conference paper
2011 Knowledge gaps in soil carbon and nitrogen interactions - From molecular to global scale Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Knowledge gaps in soil carbon and nitrogen interactions - From molecular to global scale Other publication
2011 Vertical and seasonal variation in the δ13C of leaf-respired CO2 in a mixed conifer forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 The potential of microdialysis to monitor organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds in soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Nitrogen availability affects saprotrophic basidiomycetes decomposing pine needles in a long term laboratory study Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Patterns of Plant Biomass Partitioning Depend on Nitrogen Source Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Transporters in Arabidopsis roots mediating uptake of amino acids at naturally occurring concentrations Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Recovery of ectomycorrhiza after ‘nitrogen saturation’ of a conifer forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Ektomykorrhizan minskar förluster av kväve från skogen Factsheet
2010 The occurrence of amino acids in agricultural soil and their uptake by plants Doctoral thesis
2010 Quantification of effects of season and nitrogen supply on tree below-ground carbon transfer to ectomycorrhizal fungi and other soil organisms in a boreal pine forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Turning the Table: Plants Consume Microbes as a Source of Nutrients Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Nitrogen compounds in soil solutions of agricultural land Research article (Peer reviewed)
2009 Uptake of organic nitrogen by plants Review article (Peer reviewed)
2009 Carbon isotopes as proof for plant uptake of organic nitrogen: Relevance of inorganic carbon uptake: Replay to Rasmussen and Kuzyakov Other publication (Peer reviewed)
2008 Glucose and ammonium additions affect needle decomposition and carbon allocation by the litter degrading fungus Mycena epipterygia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Characteristics of amino acid uptake in barley Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Capacities and constraints of amino acid utilization in Arabidopsis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Root uptake of cationic amino acids by Arabidopsis depends on functional expression of amino acid permease Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 High temporal resolution tracing of photosynthate carbon from the tree canopy to forest soil microorganisms Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 Comprehensive screening of Arabidopsis mutants suggests the lysine histidine transporter 1 to be involved in plant uptake of amino acids Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Uptake, metabolism and distribution of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources by Pinus sylvestris Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Nitrogen utilization by Hylocomium splendens in a boreal forest fertilization experiment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 The dsdA gene from Escherichia coli provides a novel selectable marker for plant transformation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Nitrogen deposition and the biodiversity of boreal forests: Implications for the nitrogen critical load Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 A conditional marker gene allowing both positive and negative selection in plants Research article
2004 A conditional marker gene allowing both positive and negative selection in plants Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 Organic and inorganic nitrogen uptake in lichens Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 Light, not nitrogen, limits growth of the grass Deschampsia flexuosa in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 Regulation of organic and inorganic nitrogen uptake in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Regional differences in the occurrence of understorey species reflect nitrogen deposition in Swedish forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Carbon and nitrogen distribution in the green algal lichens Hypogymnia physodes and Platismatia glauca in relation to nutrient supply Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Regulation of amino acid uptake by carbon and nitrogen in Pinus sylvestris Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Plant-part specific and temporal variation in phenolic compounds of boreal bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) plants Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Nitrogenase activity and root nodule metabolism in response to O-2 and short-term N-2 deprivation in dark-treated Frankia-Alnus incana plants Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Nitrogen acquisition from inorganic and organic sources by boreal forest plants in the field Research article (Peer reviewed)
2002 Parasitic fungus mediates change in nitrogen-exposed boreal forest vegetation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2001 Slow recovery of boreal forest ecosystem following decreased nitrogen input Research article (Peer reviewed)
2001 Nitrogen forms in bark, wood and foliage of nitrogen-fertilized Pinus sylvestris Research article (Peer reviewed)
2001 Soil nitrogen form and plant nitrogen uptake along a boreal forest productivity gradient Research article (Peer reviewed)
1999 Nitrogen isotope fractionation during N uptake by ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris Research article (Peer reviewed)
1998 Effects of simulated N deposition on understorey vegetation of a boreal coniferous forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
1998 Boreal forest plants take up organic nitrogen Letter (Peer reviewed)
1997 Identification of coniferous forests with incipient nitrogen saturation through analysis of arginine and nitrogen‐15 abundance of trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
1997 Nitrogen Storage Forms in Nine Boreal Understorey Plant Species Research article (Peer reviewed)
1995 Accumulation of amino acids in forest plants in relation to ecological amplitude and nitrogen supply Research article (Peer reviewed)