X-marked trees: carriers of Indigenous Sami traditions
2025 X-marked trees: carriers of Indigenous Sami traditions Research article (Peer reviewed)
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2025 X-marked trees: carriers of Indigenous Sami traditions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 100 years of change in an old-growth Scots pine forest in Hamra National Park: insights from permanent plots established in central Sweden in 1922 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Elevation-dependent tree growth response to climate in a natural Scots pine/downy birch forest in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Landscape of ice and fire - uniquely well-preserved Scots pine trunks reveal forest fires near the retreating Weichselian ice margin Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Detection of Hunting Pits using Airborne Laser Scanning and Deep Learning Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Forest inventory tree core archive reveals changes in boreal wood traits over seven decades Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 The war on deciduous forest: Large-scale herbicide treatment in the Swedish boreal forest 1948 to 1984 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Collecting Cores to Age Hollow Trees: A Research Note on Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 A Sacred Tree in the Boreal forest: A Narrative About a Sami Shaman, her Tree, and the Forest Landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Emerging technology can guide ecosystem restoration for future water security Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2021 Preservation of the cultural legacy of the indigenous Sami in northern forest reserves-Present shortcomings and future possibilities Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Negotiating (with) Fire: Contemporary Fire Domestication in Swedish Sapmi Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Fire Management in The Boreal Forest of Swedish Sapmi: Prescribed Burning and Consideration of Sami Reindeer Herding During 1920-1970 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Continuity forest or second-generation forest? Historic aerial photos provide evidence of early clear-cutting in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Shifting Strategies between Generations in Sami Reindeer Husbandry: the Challenges of Maintaining Traditions while Adapting to a Changing Context Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The Legal Application of Ethnoecology: The Girjas Sami Village vs the Swedish State Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2020 Women in forestry in the early twentieth century - new opportunities for young women to work and gain their freedom in a traditional agrarian society Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Where do we come from? Cultural heritage in forests and forest management Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2020 Reporte del hallazgo de árboles culturalmente modificados en bosques costeros de Nothofagus betuliodes (Mirb.) Oerst 1971 (Nothofagace) por pueblos cañoneros de la Patagonia Austral y Tierra del Fuego Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 New insights into estimating the age of old Scots pine from increment cores with stem rot Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Culturally modified trees and forest structure at a Kawesqar ancient settlement at Rio Batchelor, western Patagonia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The origins of prescribed burning in Scandinavian forestry: the seminal role of Joel Wretlind in the management of fire-dependent forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Detecting Cultural Remains in Boreal Forests in Sweden Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data of Different Resolutions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Using forest historical information to target landscape ecological restoration in Southwestern Patagonia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Forest Fire and Indigenous Sami Land Use: Place Names, Fire Dynamics, and Ecosystem Change in Northern Scandinavia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Anthropogenic use of fire led to degraded scots pine-lichen forest in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Wolf and Bear Depredation on Livestock in Northern Sweden 1827–2014: Combining History, Ecology and Interviews Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Fencing the forest: early use of barrier fences in Sami reindeer husbandry Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 The introduction of modern forest management and clear-cutting in Sweden: Ridö State Forest 1832–2014 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Heat impact and soil colors beneath hearths in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Legacy Effects of Human Land Use: Ecosystems as Time-Lagged Systems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 “They Followed the Power of the Plant”: Historical Sami Harvest and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) of Angelica archangelica in Northern Fennoscandia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Fish or Reindeer? The Relation between Subsistence Patterns and Settlement Patterns among the Forest Sami Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Conservation values of certified-driven voluntary forest set-asides Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 People and pines 1555-1910: integrating ecology, history and archaeology to assess long-term resource use in northern Fennoscandia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Genetic diversity and inbreeding in natural and managed populations of Scots pine Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Naturhänsyn vid avverkning : debatten och drivkrafterna 1968-2003 Factsheet
2015 Intensive land use in the Swedish mountains between AD 800 and 1200 led to deforestation and ecosystem transformation with long-lasting effects Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Indications of shifting cultivation west of the Lapland border: Multifaceted land use in northernmost Sweden since AD 800 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Retention forestry in Sweden: driving forces, debate and implementation 1968-2003 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Exploring Pre-Colonial Resource Control of Individual Sami Households Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Aboveground and belowground legacies of native Sami land use on boreal forest in northern Sweden 100 years after abandonment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Sami Resource Utilization and Site Selection: Historical Harvesting of Inner Bark in Northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Travelling in boreal forests: Routes of communication in pre-industrial Northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Nutritional Content of Scots Pine Inner Bark in Northern Fennoscandia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Surviving the Winter in Northern Forests: an Experimental Study of Fuelwood Consumption and Living Space in a Sami Tent Hut Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Advances towards improved low-frequency tree-ring reconstructions, using an updated Pinus sylvestris L. MXD network from the Scandinavian Mountains Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 The history of clear-cutting in northern Sweden - Driving forces and myths in boreal silviculture Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 En bruksskogs historia - Finspångs Bruk under 300 år Book
2012 Forest Fragmentation and Landscape Transformation in a Reindeer Husbandry Area in Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 'Starvation strings' and the public good: Development of a Swedish bike trail network in the early twentieth century Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 Ancient Bark-peeled Trees in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana: Legacies of Native Land Use and Implications for Their Protection Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 Legacies of pre-industrial land use can bias modern tree-ring climate calibrations Research article (Peer reviewed)
Antonson, Hans (Ed./Editors); Jansson, Ulf (Ed./Editors) 2011 Increased production and depletion: the impact of forestry on northern Sweden's forest landscape Book chapter
2011 Cutting of lichen trees: a survival strategy used before the 20th century in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Forestry historical studies in the province of Vasterbotten, Northern Sweden: a review of Lars Tiren (1937) Review article (Peer reviewed)
2011 'At this point, the lichens in the trees are their only means of survival': A History of Tree Cutting for Winter Reindeer Fodder by Sami People in Northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
Antonson, Hans (Ed./Editors); Jansson, Ulf (Ed./Editors) 2011 Produktionsökning och utarmning: skogsbrukets inverkan på skogslandskapet i norra Sverige Book chapter
2011 Heat, smoke and fuel consumption in a high mountain stallo-hut, northern Sweden - Experimental burning of fresh birch wood during winter Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Urskogen finns inte mer. Länge leve naturskogen! Magazine article
2010 Linking forest history and conservation efforts: Long-term impact of low-intensity timber harvest on forest structure and wood-inhabiting fungi in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Historical human influence on forest composition and structure in boreal Fennoscandia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Effects of reindeer on boreal forest floor vegetation: Does grazing cause vegetation state transitions? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Quantifying Sami Settlement and Movement Patterns in Northern Sweden 1700-1900 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2009 Samisk byggnadskultur : timrade kåtor och exemplet Bläckajaure Magazine article
2009 Bark-peeling, Food Stress and Tree Spirits – the Use of Pine Inner Bark for Food in Scandinavia and North America Research article (Peer reviewed)
2009 The Transformation of a Norway Spruce Dominated Landscape Since Pre-Industrial Times in Northern Sweden: the Influence of Modern Forest Management on Forest Structure Research article (Peer reviewed)
2009 Long-Term Human Impact and Vegetation Changes in a Boreal Forest Reserve: Implications for the Use of Protected Areas as Ecological References Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Kinship and Settlements: Sami Residence Patterns in the Fennoscandian Alpine Areas around A.D. 1000 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Värro Muorra: The Landscape Significance of Sami Sacred Wooden Objects and Sacrificial Altars Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 A century of logging and forestry in a reindeer herding area in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 How to find the rare trees in the forest - New inventory strategies for culturally modified trees in boreal Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Living artifacts the ancient ponderosa pines of the west Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 Träd som föda – samiskt skogsutnyttjande och kulturspår i träd under 3000 år Magazine article
2007 Ancient trails connecting economies in the sub-arctic parts of Fennoscandia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 Bark - nyttigt och gott! : Nu är det barkmånad. Juni var den traditionella skördetiden för samerna, som har ätit bark i minst 3 000 år. För dem var bark inte någon nödföda, tvärtom Magazine article
2007 Stones in the snow: a Norse fur traders' road into Sami country Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 Radiocarbon dating of prehistoric hearths in alpine northern Sweden: problems and possibilities Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Mobility without wheels : The economy and ecology of timber floating in Sweden, 1850–1980 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Cultural landscapes in Northern Forests – Time, Space and Affiliation to the Land Book chapter
2005 History and forest biodiversity of woodland key habitats in south boreal Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 The last European landscape to be colonised: A case study of land-use change in the far north of Sweden 1850-1930 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Culturally scarred trees in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana, USA - Interpreting native American historical forest use in a wilderness area Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Bondedagböcker som källa för kunskap om skogsarbete : En skogshistorisk analys av tre bondedagböcker från norra Sverige Book chapter
2005 Influence of habitat history on the distribution of Usnea longissima in boreal Scandinavia: a methodological case study Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Skogshistoria i den boreala delen av Skandinavien - från naturskog till brukad skog? Book chapter
2005 Pottaskebränning Book chapter
2005 Carved trees in grazed forests in boreal Sweden - analysis of remaining trees, interpretation of past land-use and implications for conservation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Inventory strategies for assessing culturally modified trees in boreal Sweden Other publication
2004 The use of plants as regular food in ancient Subarctic economies: A case study based on Sami use of Scots pine innerbark Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 Trees for food - a 3000 year record of subarctic plant use Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Retrospective comparative analysis as a tool for ecological restoration: a case study in a Swedish boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Vegetation dynamics and disturbance history in three deciduous forests in boreal Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Destroying a path to the past - the loss of culturally scarred trees and change in forest structure along Allmunvagen, in mid-west boreal Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Traces of past Sami forest use: An ecological study of culturally modified trees and earlier land use within a boreal forest reserve Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Spatial patterns, density changes and implications on biodiversity for old trees in the boreal landscape of northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Naturskog vittnar om gamla tider Magazine article
2003 Från urskog till modernt skogsbruk - skogshistoria i den norra delen av Skandinavien Magazine article
2002 Changes in mixed deciduous forests of boreal Sweden 1866-1999 based on interpretation of historical records Research article (Peer reviewed)
2001 Retrospective gap analysis in a Swedish boreal forest landscape using historical data Research article (Peer reviewed)