
Hjalmar Laudon
Prefekt, Professor vid Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel; Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel, gemensamt
Telefon: +46907868584, +46705606625
My research is primarily directed towards understanding how land use and climate influence water quality from a landscape perspective. I am the scientific director for the Krycklan catchment study and also head of the department of forest ecology and management.
My primary research interest lies in exploring the biosphere-atmosphere exchanges of water, energy and greenhouse gases (i.e. carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) and their underlying drivers. Most of my work is carried out using a combination of micrometeorological, flux chamber and environmental monitoring methods, combined with the use of process-based models. My current research focuses on integrating terrestrial and aquatic carbon and greenhouse gas fluxes to determine complete budgets and drivers at the boreal forest landscape scale. In addition, exploring the role of plant phenology as a driver of the peatland carbon cycle is a significant interest of my ongoing work. The ultimate goal of my research is to improve our understanding of global change and land management impacts on the biogeochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems and their feedback on the climate system.
I carry out research and teaching in soil science and environmental biogeochemistry and am primarily interested in how microorganisms in the environment are involved in the cycling of carbon and nitrogen in forests and wetlands. A central part of this research is linked to the production and consumption of atmospheric greenhouse gases, with special emphasis on biogeochemical processes at low temperatures. The scale at which I address these issues ranges from the molecular level to whole ecosystems. I am also interested in how different forest management regimes, e.g. forest fertilization, influence the exchange of carbon and greenhouse gases between ecosystems and the atmosphere. I am the Deputy Head of the Department with a delegated responsibility for premises, work environment and safety. I am also the Director of the analytical infrastructure SLU Stable Isotope Laboratory (SSIL)
I'm leading a research group that develops new maps from airborne laser scanning using artificial intelligence. I conduct research and teach about forest soils and forest waters.
I am interested in the connection between soils and water quality. In my research, organisms, geology and chemistry meet in so-called biogeochemical interactions between forest soils and water. Above all, I study how forestry and climate change can affect soil and water. My research is based on observations and experiments, largely from the field research area Krycklan near Umeå, but also national datasets from SLU's national monitoring programs Riksskogtaxaringen and Markinventeringen. A long-term goal is to find solutions that balance the demands for increased forest production with environmental considerations. That's where detailed, accurate maps come into the picture. So far we have developed a new soil moisture map, peat map and ditch map for Sweden. With better map data, you can get better decision-making data.
Nature is full of elements and they all have a story to tell. By studying and comparing elements with different biogeochemical properties and sources we cannot only learn more about how they behave but also about how Nature as a whole work.
I am a riparian and aquatic ecologist with a specific interest in how landscape management affects our waterways. I study the interaction of terrestrial and aquatic processes and how they drive ecosystem services, forest production, species diversity, distribution of organisms, and biogeochemical cycling. I then applied aspects of my research that focus on how these interactions are threatened by land development, including forestry and urbanization, across multiple spatial scales. My long-term goal is to contribute to the best management practices around streams and rivers to sustain healthy waters.
I’m an ecologist who has a background in natural resource management and uses tools from stream ecology, biogeochemistry, and hydrology to study the effects of ecosystem management on waterways and their riparian zones to ensure high water quality and biodiversity while balancing societal needs for forest products.
I am interested in the carbon and greenhouse gas cycling in the boreal landscape. I have worked a lot with lakes and streams, but have recently shifted my focus towards land-water interfaces and groundwater. My research addresses a range of challenges from mechanistic understanding of small-scale gas exchange processes up to statistical modelling and prediction of large-scale land use and climate effects.
The main goal of my current research is to improve our understanding of how rewetting affects the biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas dynamics of drained peatland forests in the boreal region of Sweden. I achieve this by eddy covariance measurements of the ecosystem-scale CO2 and CH4 exchanges combined with detailed estimates of spatial variability from plot-scale greenhouse gas flux (incl. CO2, CH4 and N2O) measurements using chambers. An important part of this research is a collaboration with various governmental agencies and forest stakeholders to support the development of sustainable and climate-responsible forest management strategies.
The theme of my research is to make it easier to plan infrastructure and forest management. Problems such as undersized road culverts and driving damage in forestry and deficient protection zones can be avoided if you know in advance where in the landscape the water is, and how it moves in the ground. The combination of my interests in geographic information systems, computer skills, and access to all of Sweden's maps gives me enormous opportunities to be creative and test new methods on a large scale.
As a modeller, I am interested in the interconnectivity between biological, chemical and physical processes that govern the cycling of elements, nutrients and carbon in boreal landscapes (Kycklan catchment). A large part of my work entails translating complex mechanistic understandings into simplified conceptual models that can simulate dynamic patterns of energy flow, nutrient cycling, and hydrologic routing in the boreal watershed. Apart from research, I am also a coordinator at the department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU.
The main focus of my research is drivers of productivity and biogeochemical interactions between primary producers and their environment in running waters in the Boreal and Arctic. In my post-doc project, I work with the effects of forestry on freshwaters and the downstream propagation of clear-cut effects in particular. In my PhD project, I answered questions about fundamental aquatic ecological processes such as drivers of productivity and use of resources, in a landscape under rapid change due to climate warming. More specifically, I studied how nutrients and carbon are utilized and cycled within arctic and boreal freshwaters and how it affects productivity over different spatial and temporal scales.
I am researching the carbon balance of drained peatland forests, with a focus on how it is affected by ditch cleaning. I collect data with manual chamber measurements and an eddy covariance system.
I am interested in research that links tree physiology and forest management, with a strong emphasis on plant water use and water yield. Currently, I am working on determining the role VPD and PAR has on the annual trends of tree-level water use in boreal forests.
In my PhD project, I study the availability of groundwater and how it affects soil organic carbon, nutrient accumulation and tree growth. By using a high-density tree and soil survey in relation to high-resolution hydrological maps, I try to understand the spatial variation of soil properties and forest growth. All my research is conducted within the Krycklan Catchment. Further understanding of how hydrology controls the spatial variation of soil properties and forest growth can be used to locate areas with high potential for forest growth and carbon sequestration. My research also tries to further the understanding of the commonly observed production gradients along slopes in Boreal landscapes, moving from recharge to discharge areas.
I am an environmental engineer interested in water management focusing mainly in lake and river ecosystems. My main research interest is the link between catchment properties, water quality and the impact in aquatic ecosystems. In my PhD project, I am trying to understand how forest management activities such as clear cut and ditch cleaning can affect the water quality and the aquatic ecosystem functioning.
I investigate how restoration affects the greenhouse gas dynamics of drained peatland forests. My research focuses on the spatial variability of greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2 & CH4) using the closed-chamber method. The investigated management strategies entail alternative ditch management strategies for forest clear cuts as well as restoration of forested peatlands.
I am a researcher studying the hydrological functioning of catchments within a boreal ecosystem. My Ph.D. research focuses on exploring the potential of wetland restoration in enhancing catchment hydrological resilience, specifically in terms of water retention and flood control.
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