Gasifier use for cooking and biochar production by smallholder farmers in Rwanda
2025 Gasifier use for cooking and biochar production by smallholder farmers in Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
Selected publications
2025 Gasifier use for cooking and biochar production by smallholder farmers in Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Developing soil quality indices for predicting site classes in Pinus patula stands of Sao Hill and Shume Forest Plantations, Tanzania Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 An integrated agroforestry-bioenergy system for enhanced energy and food security in rural sub-Saharan Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Fuelwood use and household appreciation of improved and traditional cooking stoves in Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Lessons learned from 25 years of operational large-scale restoration: The Sow-A-Seed project, Sabah, Borneo Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Transforming the tropical timber industry could be the key to realizing the potential of forests and forest products Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Variations in the Forest Productivity of Pinus patula Plantations in Tanzania: The Need for an Improved Site Classification System Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 French Bean Production as Influenced by Biochar and Biochar Blended Manure Application in Two Agro-Ecological Zones of Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Identification of Key Soil Quality Indicators for Predicting Mean Annual Increment in Pinus patula Forest Plantations in Tanzania Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Accounting for deep soil carbon in tropical forest conservation payments Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Woody species alongside earth contour bunds enhance the soil water-infiltration capacity in the Sahel, West Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Determinants of Field-Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Across Sub-Saharan Africa: Texture and Beyond Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Functional traits to predict financial value of enrichment planting in degraded tropical forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Explore before you restore: Incorporating complex systems thinking in ecosystem restoration Review article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Drivers of field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity: Implications for restoring degraded tropical landscapes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Agroforestry and its hydrological impacts under global change Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2024 The challenges associated with firewood supply and analysis of fuel quality parameters of the tree species used as firewood in Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Determination of land restoration potentials in the semi-arid areas of Chad using systematic monitoring and mapping techniques Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation of Woodland Fires Using Residual Attention UNet and Time Series of Sentinel-2 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Towards effectively restoring agricultural landscapes in East African drylands: Linking plant functional traits with soil hydrology Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 The road to recovery: a synthesis of outcomes from ecosystem restoration in tropical and sub-tropical Asian forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 The size of clearings for charcoal production in miombo woodlands affects soil hydrological properties and soil organic carbon Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Combined effects of traffic intensity, skid trail slope, skidder type, and soil moisture content on soil degradation in the Hyrcanian forest of Iran Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Elevational clines predict genetically determined variation in tropical forest seedling performance in Borneo: implications for seed sourcing to support reforestation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Adaptive pastoralists-Insights into local and regional patterns in livelihood adaptation choices among pastoralists in Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Restoring rangelands for nutrition and health for humans and livestock Conference paper
2023 Scaling rangeland restoration in drylands through synergies in the biodiversity-water-climate nexus 2023-2027 Other publication
2023 Soil physico-chemical properties in a selectively logged forest at Gunung Rara. Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Host identity and neighborhood trees affect belowground microbial communities in a tropical rainforest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Excessive livestock grazing overrides the positive effects of trees on infiltration capacity and modifies preferential flow in dry Miombo woodlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 A trait-based plant economic framework can help increase the value of reforestation for conservation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Soil Carbon Pool and Carbon Fluxes Estimation in 26 Years after Selective Logging Tropical Forest at Sabah, Malaysia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Ectomycorrhizal (dipterocarp) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (non-dipterocarp) tree hosts and their relative distribution in a tropical forest predict soil bacterial communities Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Maize grain yield responses to realistic biochar application rates on smallholder farms in Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Ambio fit for the 2020s Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2022 Mitigation measures in land systems Report chapter (Peer reviewed)
2022 Mitigation measures in land systems Report chapter (Peer reviewed)
2021 Assessing soil and land health across two landscapes in eastern Rwanda to inform restoration activities Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Diversity and abundance of canopy beetles in a forest restoration site in Luasong, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia Research article
2021 Perspectives on enclosures in pastoralist drylands: From contradictory evidence to the formulation of innovative land management strategies Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Positive Effects of Scattered Trees on Soil Water Dynamics in a Pasture Landscape in the Tropics Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Saving and borrowing behaviour among agropastoralists in West Pokot County, Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Effect of grass-diet and grass-legume-diet manure applied to planting holes on smallholder maize production in Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Mega El Niño's change the playing field for culturally important tree species and hence the foundation for human-nature interactions in tropical forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Evaluation of rangeland condition in miombo woodlands in eastern Tanzania in relation to season and distance from settlements Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 More trees for more water in drylands: myths and opportunities Review article
2020 Biochar from cookstoves reduces greenhouse gas emissions from smallholder farms in Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Supplementing grass-based cattle feeds with legume leaves and its effects on manure quality and value as a soil improver for an Anthropic Ferralsol in Rwanda Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Co-Creating Conceptual and Working Frameworks for Implementing Forest and Landscape Restoration Based on Core Principles Review article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Biomass production and nutrient content of three agroforestry tree species growing on an acid Anthropic Ferralsol under recurrent harvesting at different cutting heights Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Environmental Sustainability of Bioenergy Strategies in Western Kenya to Address Household Air Pollution Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Indigenous Rangeland and Livestock Management Among Pastoralists and Agro-pastoralists in Miombo Woodlands, Eastern Tanzania Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 A pre-adaptive approach for tropical forest restoration during climate change using naturally occurring genetic variation in response to water limitation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Trees in African drylands can promote deep soil and groundwater recharge in a future climate with more intense rainfall Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems: water at the core Review article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Evolutionary diversity is associated with wood productivity in Amazonian forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Trees as part of nature-based water management Book chapter
2019 Forest restoration: Transformative trees Letter (Peer reviewed)
2019 The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Tree Biomass Equations from Terrestrial LiDAR: A Case Study in Guyana Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Enclosures as a land management tool for food security in African drylands Review article (Peer reviewed)
2019 An architectural understanding of natural sway frequencies in trees Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Household air pollution mitigation with integrated biomass/cookstove strategies in Western Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Individual-Based Modeling of Amazon Forests Suggests That Climate Controls Productivity While Traits Control Demography Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Biochar addition persistently increased soil fertility and yields in maize-soybean rotations over 10 years in sub-humid regions of Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Reduced-impact logging for climate change mitigation (RIL-C) can halve selective logging emissions from tropical forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Carbon emissions and potential emissions reductions from low-intensity selective logging in southwestern Amazonia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 A community-based evaluation of population growth and agro-pastoralist resilience in Sub-Saharan drylands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Using linear mixed models to evaluate stand level growth rates for dipterocarps and Macaranga species following two selective logging methods in Sabah, Borneo Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Mapping land enclosures and vegetation cover changes in the surroundings of Kenya's Dadaab refugee camps with very high resolution satellite imagery Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Water, Forests, People: The Swedish Experience in Building Resilient Landscapes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Enhancing soil organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and microbial biomass in semi-arid rangeland using pasture enclosures Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Water for productive and multifunctional landscapes Report
2018 Pasture enclosures increase soil carbon dioxide flux rate in Semiarid Rangeland, Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Temporal variations in transpiration of Vitellaria paradoxa in West African agroforestry parklands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 The exceptional value of intact forest ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Canopy cover effects on local soil water dynamics in a tropical agroforestry system: Evaporation drives soil water isotopic enrichment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Carbon and Biodiversity Impacts of Intensive Versus Extensive Tropical Forestry Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Estimation of above-ground biomass of large tropical trees with terrestrial LiDAR Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Priorities for protected area research Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Forest Landscape Hydrology in a ‘New Normal’ Era of Climate and Land Use Change Report chapter (Peer reviewed)
2017 Combining airborne laser scanning and Landsat data for statistical modeling of soil carbon and tree biomass in Tanzanian Miombo woodlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Inconvenient realities and the path toward science-based forest restoration policies: A reply to Veldman et al Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2017 Natural climate solutions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Strategies trees use to overcome seasonal water limitation in an agroforestry system in semiarid West Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Trees, Forests and water: Cool insights for at hot world Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Combined Effects of Skidding Direction, Skid Trail Slope and Traffic Frequency on Soil Disturbance in North Mountainous Forest of Iran Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 The extent of forest in dryland biomes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 The effect of temperature and substrate quality on the carbon use efficiency of saprotrophic decomposition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 The importance of tree cover for water resources in semiarid West Africa Doctoral thesis
2016 Trees in agricultural landscapes enhance provision of ecosystem services in Sub-Saharan Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Supervised logging and climber cutting improves stand development: 18 years of post-logging data in a tropical rain forest in Borneo Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Life history traits predict the response to increased light among 33 tropical rainforest tree species Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Benefits Derived from Rehabilitating a Degraded Semi-Arid Rangeland in Private Enclosures in West Pokot County, Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Intermediate tree cover can maximize groundwater recharge in the seasonally dry tropics Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Agroforestry extension and dietary diversity - an analysis of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption in West Pokot, Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Soil chemical and physical properties after skidding by rubber-tired skidder in Hyrcanian forest, Iran Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Tree traits and canopy closure data from an experiment with 34 planted species native to Sabah, Borneo Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Assessing gender roles in a changing landscape: diversified agro-pastoralism in drylands of West Pokot, Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Enclosures in West Pokot, Kenya: Transforming land, livestock and livelihoods in drylands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Characterization of enclosure management regimes and factors influencing their choice among agropastoralists in North-Western Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Enclosing the commons: reasons for the adoption and adaptation of enclosures in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of Chepareria, Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Forestry in British Higher Education. A tale of decline and regeneration Research article
2015 Effect of land degradation on carbon and nitrogen pools in two soil types of a semi-arid landscape in West Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2015 Temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic soil CO2 production increases with increasing carbon substrate uptake rate Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 The long-term hydrology of East Africa's water tower: statistical change detection in the watersheds of the Abbay Basin Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 The effect of trees on preferential flow and soil infiltrability in an agroforestry parkland in semiarid Burkina Faso Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Forest, Water, and Carbon Storage: Creating synergies and Balancing Trade-offs in View of climate Change Report chapter
2014 Synergies and trade-offs amongst multiple functions of trees in agricultural landscapes Other publication
2014 A 12-year record reveals pre-growing season temperature and water table level threshold effects on the net carbon dioxide exchange in a boreal fen Research article (Peer reviewed)
2014 Effects of trees on infiltrability and preferential flow in two contrasting agroecosystems in Central America Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Novel Approaches for Identifying Phosphorus Species in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems with P-31 NMR Conference abstract
2013 Fosfor - nödvändigt för skogens tillväxt Factsheet
2013 Phosphorus in forest soils : disentangling the chemistry of an essential nutrient Factsheet
Mackay-Niitylä, Heather (Ed./Editors); Nyberg, Gert (Ed./Editors) 2013 Agricultural Research Towards Sustainable Development Goals : Proceedings of the 2013 Agricultural Research for Development Conference Report
2013 Traditionell betesbränning i Etiopiens högland - vad händer om den upphör? Factsheet
2013 Temperature response of litter and soil organic matter decomposition is determined by chemical composition of organic material Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Winter climate controls soil carbon dynamics during summer in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2013 Traditional Fire Management in the Ethiopian highlands - what would happen if it ends? Factsheet
2012 Tending for cattle: traditional fire management in Ethiopian montane heathlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 A contribution to the discussion on Critical research issures for future sub-Saharan African agriculture Report
2012 Improved Identification of Organic Phosphorus Species in Tropical/High Latitude Soils and Aquatic Ecosystems by Advanced Liquid and Solid State NMR Approaches Conference abstract
2012 Separating competition-related factors limiting crop performance in an agroforestry parkland system in Burkina Faso Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 The influence of soil frost on the quality of dissolved organic carbon in a boreal forest soil: combining field and laboratory experiments Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 High-Resolution Characterization of Organic Phosphorus in Soil Extracts Using 2D H-1-P-31 NMR Correlation Spectroscopy Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 Soil property changes over a 120-yr chronosequence from forest to agriculture in western Kenya Research article (Peer reviewed)
2012 The moisture response of soil heterotrophic respiration: interaction with soil properties Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Hydrological characterization of watersheds in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Hydrological changes of the Blue Nile Basin in last half a century: Results from statistical analysis and modeling Conference abstract (Peer reviewed)
2011 Effects of soil frost on growth, composition and respiration of the soil microbial decomposer community Research article (Peer reviewed)
2011 Linking Farmers' Livelihoods with Trees and Soil-water Processes for Good Catchment Management Practices Conference paper
2011 Performances of Cotton–Maize Rotation System as Affected by Ploughing Frequency and Soil Fertility Management in Burkina Faso Conference paper
2010 Large-scale international land investment in developing countries Report chapter
2010 Carbon sequestration in tropical forests and water: a critical look at the basis for commonly used generalizations Research article (Peer reviewed)
2010 Microbial responses to P addition in six South African forest soils Research article (Peer reviewed)
Bruijnzeel, Leendert Adriaan (Ed./Editors); Scatena, Frederick N. (Ed./Editors); Hamilton, Lawrence S. (Ed./Editors) 2010 Historical 14C evidence of fire in tropical montane cloud forests in the Chimalapas region of Oaxaca, southern Mexico Book chapter
2010 Forest Cover and Global Water Governance Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2009 Forests working as rainwater harvesting systems Report chapter
2008 Securing dry season flow in the Blue Nile, Northern Ethiopia: : How much can forest management help as the climate changes? Conference abstract
2008 Nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of soil microbial respiration in two tropical agroforestry parklands in the south-Sudanese zone of Burkina Faso: The effects of tree canopy and fertilization Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Decomposition and nutrient release from mixed plant litters of contrasting quality in an agroforestry parkland in the south-Sudanese zone of West Africa Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Effects of ploughing frequency and compost on soil aggregate stability in a cotton-maize (Gossypium hirsutum-Zea mays) rotation in Burkina Faso Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Stand development after two modes of selective logging and pre-felling climber cutting in a dipterocarp rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2008 Forest and water relations in miombo woodlands: need for understanding of complex stand management Conference paper
2008 Water and Carbon Sequestration in Tropical Forests: a critical look at the basis for generalisations Conference abstract
2008 Tropical forests, water and carbon sequestration: Exploring the opportunities to link mitigation and adaptation to climate change Conference abstract
2008 Experiences and conclusions on interaction with local stakeholders around Kitulangalo Forest Reserve, Tanzania Conference paper
2007 General ecological features of Miombo woodlands and considerations for utilization and management Conference paper
2007 Ecosumit - Ecohydrology session Conference abstract
2007 Soil Carbon and Water Dynamics of Indigenous Semi-Arid Miombo Woodlands in Tanzania Conference paper
2007 Land Rehabilitation Experiences from West Pokot, Kenya Conference paper
2007 Trees for soil and water improvement Conference paper
2007 Ploughing frequency and compost application effects on soil infiltrability in a cotton-maize (Gossypium hirsutum-Zea mays L.) rotation system on a Ferric Luvisol and a Ferric Lixisol in Burkina Faso Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 Using perlite as a substrate carrier for measuring microbial available phosphorus by respiration kinetics in soils Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 The effect of afforestation on water infiltration in the tropics: A systematic review and meta-analysis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2007 Carbon mineralization of leaves from four Ethiopian agroforestry species under laboratory and field conditions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Initial impact of supervised logging and pre-logging climber cutting compared with conventional logging in a dipterocarp rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Soil chemical and microbial properties after disturbance by crawler tractors in a Malaysian forest plantation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Soil respiration characteristics of tropical soils from agricultural and forestry land-uses at Wondo Genet (Ethiopia) in response to C, N and P amendments Research article (Peer reviewed)
2006 Infiltration change after forest disturbance and conversion to other land uses in the tropics: a system review and meta-analysis Conference paper
2006 Managing forested watershed functions and services for the benefits of the poor Magazine article
2006 Effect of organic inputs from agroforestry species and urea on crop yield and soil properties at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Nitrogen and phosphorus limitations of microbial respiration in a tropical phosphorus-fixing acrisol (ultisol) compared with organic compost Research article (Peer reviewed)
2005 Effects of shifting cultivation and forest fire Conference paper (Peer reviewed)
2005 Groundwater and deforestation - do we need the trees? Book chapter
2004 Streamwater quality as affected by wild fires in natural and manmade vegetation in Malaysian Borneo Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 Decomposition of leaves from two indigenous trees of contrasting qualities under shaded-coffee and agricultural hand-uses during the dry season at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2004 Soil rehabilitation following tractor logging: early results on amendments and tilling in a second rotation Acacia mangium plantation in Sabah, Malaysia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2003 Regnskog - kvistig fråga för Umeå-forskare Magazine article
2003 How can silviculturists support the natural process of recovery in tropical rain forests degraded by logging and wild fire Conference paper
2003 Changes in soil chemical and microbial properties after a wildfire in a tropical rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia Research article (Peer reviewed)
2002 Soil degradation and rehabilitation in humid tropical forests (Sabah, Malaysia) Doctoral thesis
2001 Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in agroforestry systems : temporal patterns of some important soil processes Doctoral thesis
2001 Large-scale forest girdling shows that current photosynthesis drives soil respiration Research article (Peer reviewed)