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Nordic Nature Health Hub

A meeting place and resource for nature entrepreneurs, researchers, organizations, authorities and everyone interested in the effects of animals and nature on human health.

Ongoing projects


Here you will find research on the effect of animals and nature on human health. This part is made for those who want to deepen their knowledge of nature-based health research. You can also read about the conditions of the research and about its challenges.


NATUREACH - Nature accessible for all

An Interreg Aurora project aiming to making nature accessible to everyone using virtual nature environments.

Natureach image  logo Aurora

Regenerative Nature Tourism (REGGAE)

An Interreg Aurora project that aims to promote accessible and regenerative tourism and to improve the well-being of entrepreneurs.

Reggae project image Interreg Aurora


Here you will find links to everything from private courses to university programs relating to the connection between animals, nature and human health.

Education in forest

Projects, research groups etc.

Here you will find links to interesting projects, research groups, organisations etc. in the field of animals, nature and human health.

Meeting places

The place for networking! Here you can communicate with others who are interested in the effect of animals and nature on human health.

Nature entrepreneurship

Here you will find inspiring interviews with nature entrepreneurs from Sweden and Finland as well as a guidebook for nature entrepreneurs.

Two persons by camp fire


Here you will find useful tools for nature entrepreneurs and others who are interested in nature and animal based activities. The tools include the Nature Health Map, methods for measuring health effects and information regarding equality and non-discrimination.

Naturhälsokartan croped
Published: 19 June 2024 - Page editor: elisabet.bohlin@slu.se