Higher education

Last changed: 02 February 2023
Education in forest

Here is a selection of Nordic university and vocational university educations involving animals and nature, in connection to human health.

The selection includes both bachelor's and master's programs as well as independent courses. (For an explanation of course credits in different Nordic  countries, see below)



Linköping university

Forum for outdoor education

For example the course "Hälsa utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv med utomhuspedagogiska metoder, 15 hp"

FINLAND (in Swedish and English)

Green Care

Centria University of Applied Sciences

in collaboration with University of Vaasa

Basic course in Green Care, 5 sp

Can be arranged upon request (minimum 14 participants).  

Contact: Lena Enlund, lena.enlund@centria.fi

Åbo Akademi University


Universitetet i söröst Norge (USN)




If you would like to recommend a related education: 


Course credits in different countries

All Nordic countries are connected to the European ECTS system where 30 points equals one semester and 60 points one year of studies. 

In the Nordic countries 1 point equals 25-30 hours of studies (depending on the country). Both lectures and self-study are included in the study time. Different countries have different names for their points. Sweden uses högskolepoäng (hp), Finland uses högskolestudiepoäng (sp) and Norway uses studiepoeng (sp). The name ECTS-credits is used in Denmark and can sometimes be found in other countries as well. 
