NATUREACH - Eskoo, Seinäjoki

Last changed: 17 May 2024

The Wellbeing Services County of South Ostrobothnia, Support and Competence centre Eskoo: Seinäjoki unit in Eskoo joint Municipal Authority for Social Services is one of the national pioneers in its field in applying nature-based methods in their services. The pilot aims to create a virtual technology service model based on the impact of nature-based interventions to clients with reduced mobility and demanding round-a-clock care. In addition, the clients need high psychosocial support, and support for challenging behaviour and communication. The aim is to reinforce the clients recovery, positive experiences and sense of inclusion through environments and natural elements that are relevant to the client and her/his well-being,



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Eskoo Care Unit

24/7 care unit for adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in demanding care for 14 clients.

    • Equipment used in interventions: dome with visual and auditive sensations without headsets
    • Multisensory interventions: olfactory and tactile sensations are possible
    • Methods used in assessing the effects: Photovoice, observations, HRV-measurements (Firstbeat)

Eskoo Support Unit

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Adults with needs of high psychosocial support and support in everyday life for 19 clients (incl. intellectual disabilities, neuropsychiatric disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and behavioural challenges)

    • Equipment used in interventions: dome and VR glasses with headsets
    • Multisensory interventions: olfactory and tactile sensations are possible
    • Methods used in assessing the effects: Photovoice, observations, HRV-measurements (Firstbeat).
    • IRL interventions included if possible.


Eskoo´s employees

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Nurses and social counsellors work in three shifts at Eskoo. Other staff can also participate in the research.

    • Equipment used in interventions: dome and VR-glasses with headsets
    • Multisensory interventions: olfactory and tactile sensations are possible
    • Methods used in assessing the effects: HRV measurements (Firstbeat and Oura), questionnaires and interviews.
    • IRL-interventions included if possible.
