Spatio-temporal dynamics and controls of forest-floor...
2025 Spatio-temporal dynamics and controls of forest-floor evapotranspiration across a managed boreal forest landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Spatio-temporal dynamics and controls of forest-floor evapotranspiration across a managed boreal forest landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 An eco-physiological model of forest photosynthesis and transpiration under combined nitrogen and water limitation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Wildfires offset the increasing but spatially heterogeneous Arctic-boreal CO2 uptake Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Impact of winter warming on CO2 fluxes in evergreen needleleaf forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 The biological controls of soil carbon accumulation following wildfire and harvest in boreal forests: A review Review article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Increase in gross primary production of boreal forests balanced out by increase in ecosystem respiration Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 A drained nutrient-poor peatland forest in boreal Sweden constitutes a net carbon sink after integrating terrestrial and aquatic fluxes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 On the Relationship Between Aquatic CO2 Concentration and Ecosystem Fluxes in Some of the World's Key Wetland Types Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Drought response of the boreal forest carbon sink is driven by understorey-tree composition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Divergent apparent temperature sensitivity of forest-floor respiration across a managed boreal forest landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Ectomycorrhizal hydrophobicity and host association influence ectomycorrhizal C dynamics, N dynamics, and fruiting patterns in N addition experiments under pine Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Radiocarbon Isotopic Disequilibrium Shows Little Incorporation of New Carbon in Mineral Soils of a Boreal Forest Ecosystem Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 X-BASE: the first terrestrial carbon and water flux products from an extended data-driven scaling framework, FLUXCOM-X Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Decadal increases in carbon uptake offset by respiratory losses across northern permafrost ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Consequences of rewetting and ditch cleaning on hydrology, water quality and greenhouse gas balance in a drained northern landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Detection and attribution of an anomaly in terrestrial photosynthesis in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 The Kulbacksliden Research Infrastructure: a unique setting for northern peatland studies Review article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Landscape-variability of the carbon balance across managed boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Two-level eddy covariance measurements reduce bias in land-atmosphere exchange estimates over a heterogeneous boreal forest landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Catchment characteristics control boreal mire nutrient regime and vegetation patterns over ~5000 years of landscape development Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 On the uncertainty in estimates of the carbon balance recovery time after forest clear-cutting Other publication in scientific journal (Peer reviewed)
2023 Modeled production, oxidation, and transport processes of wetland methane emissions in temperate, boreal, and Arctic regions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Components explain, but do eddy fluxes constrain? Carbon budget of a nitrogen-fertilized boreal Scots pine forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in an ombrotrophic bog Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Soil moisture controls the partitioning of carbon stocks across a managed boreal forest landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Upscaling Wetland Methane Emissions From the FLUXNET-CH4 Eddy Covariance Network (UpCH4 v1.0): Model Development, Network Assessment, and Budget Comparison Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Uncovering the critical soil moisture thresholds of plant water stress for European ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Heat and drought impact on carbon exchange in an age-sequence of temperate pine forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 The ABCflux database: Arctic-boreal CO2 flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Overstory dynamics regulate the spatial variability in forest-floor CO2 fluxes across a managed boreal forest landscape Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Tropical and Boreal Forest Atmosphere Interactions: A Review Review article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Drainage ditch cleaning has no impact on the carbon and greenhouse gas balances in a recent forest clear-cut in boreal Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Assessing the relative importance of sunshine, temperature, precipitation, and spring phenology in regulating leaf senescence timing of herbaceous species in China Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Warming response of peatland CO2 sink is sensitive to seasonality in warming trends Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Long-term nitrogen addition raises the annual carbon sink of a boreal forest to a new steady-state Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Global maps of soil temperature Review article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Initial effects of post-harvest ditch cleaning on greenhouse gas fluxes in a hemiboreal peatland forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Emerging technology can guide ecosystem restoration for future water security Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2021 A carbon-budget approach shows that reduced decomposition causes the nitrogen-induced increase in soil carbon in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Editorial: Wetland Ecology and Biogeochemistry Under Natural and Human Disturbance Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2021 The Cold Region Critical Zone in Transition: Responses to Climate Warming and Land Use Change Review article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Reconciling the Carbon Balance of Northern Sweden Through Integration of Observations and Modelling Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Northern landscapes in transition: Evidence, approach and ways forward using the Krycklan Catchment Study Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Identifying dominant environmental predictors of freshwater wetland methane fluxes across diurnal to seasonal time scales Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Statistical upscaling of ecosystem CO2 fluxes across the terrestrial tundra and boreal domain: Regional patterns and uncertainties Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Gap-filling eddy covariance methane fluxes: Comparison of machine learning model predictions and uncertainties at FLUXNET-CH4 wetlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 FLUXNET-CH4: a global, multi-ecosystem dataset and analysis of methane seasonality from freshwater wetlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Enhanced spatiotemporal heterogeneity and the climatic and biotic controls of autumn phenology in northern grasslands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Method comparison of indirect assessments of understory leaf area index (LAI(u)): A case study across the extended network of ICOS forest ecosystem sites in Europe Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Forest floor fluxes drive differences in the carbon balance of contrasting boreal forest stands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Substantial hysteresis in emergent temperature sensitivity of global wetland CH4 emissions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Disaggregating the effects of nitrogen addition on gross primary production in a boreal Scots pine forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Chronic Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Deposition Suppresses Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Peatlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Modelling Daily Gross Primary Productivity with Sentinel-2 Data in the Nordic Region-Comparison with Data from MODIS Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Isotopic Branchpoints: Linkages and Efficiencies in Carbon and Water Budgets Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Estimating canopy gross primary production by combining phloem stable isotopes with canopy and mesophyll conductances Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Altered energy partitioning across terrestrial ecosystems in the European drought year 2018 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Effects of drought and meteorological forcing on carbon and water fluxes in Nordic forests during the dry summer of 2018 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The biophysical climate mitigation potential of boreal peatlands during the growing season Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Effect of the 2018 European drought on methane and carbon dioxide exchange of northern mire ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Sensitivity of gross primary productivity to climatic drivers during the summer drought of 2018 in Europe Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Bimodal diel pattern in peatland ecosystem respiration rebuts uniform temperature response Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The Net Landscape Carbon Balance-Integrating terrestrial and aquatic carbon fluxes in a managed boreal forest landscape in Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Partitioning growing season water balance within a forested boreal catchment using sap flux, eddy covariance, and a process-based model Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Impact of coordinate rotation on eddy covariance fluxes at complex sites Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The role of the understory in litter DOC and nutrient leaching in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Diverse effects of climate at different times on grassland phenology in mid-latitude of the Northern Hemisphere Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Refining the role of phenology in regulating gross ecosystem productivity across European peatlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 FLUXNET-CH4 Synthesis Activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Monthly gridded data product of northern wetland methane emissions based on upscaling eddy covariance observations Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 The carbon balance of a managed boreal landscape measured from a tall tower in northern Sweden Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 A Novel Approach for High-Frequency in-situ Quantification of Methane Oxidation in Peatlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Diverse Responses of Vegetation Phenology to Climate Change in Different Grasslands in Inner Mongolia during 2000-2016 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Assimilating phenology datasets automatically across ICOS ecosystem stations Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Stand Volume Production in the Subsequent Stand during Three Decades Remains Unaffected by Slash and Stump Harvest in Nordic Forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Limitations and Challenges of MODIS-Derived Phenological Metrics Across Different Landscapes in Pan-Arctic Regions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Standardisation of chamber technique for CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes measurements from terrestrial ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 ICOS eddy covariance flux-station site setup: a review Review article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems: a review Review article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Ancillary vegetation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Surface energy exchange in pristine and managed boreal peatlands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Partitioning of the net CO2 exchange using an automated chamber system reveals plant phenology as key control of production and respiration fluxes in a boreal peatland Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Peatland vegetation composition and phenology drive the seasonal trajectory of maximum gross primary production Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Impact of Canopy Decoupling and Subcanopy Advection on the Annual Carbon Balance of a Boreal Scots Pine Forest as Derived From Eddy Covariance Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Impacts of droughts and extreme-temperature events on gross primary production and ecosystem respiration: a systematic assessment across ecosystems and climate zones Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Carbon, water and energy exchange dynamics of a young pine plantation forest during the initial fourteen years of growth Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Representation of dissolved organic carbon in the JULES land surface model (vn4.4_JULES-DOCM) Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO2, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Long-term enhanced winter soil frost alters growing season CO2 fluxes through its impact on vegetation development in a boreal peatland Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 How do disturbances and climate effects on carbon and water fluxes differ between multi-aged and even-aged coniferous forests? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Land surface phenology derived from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at global FLUXNET sites Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Upscaling instantaneous to daily evapotranspiration using modelled daily shortwave radiation for remote sensing applications: an artificial neural network approach Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Including hydrological self-regulating processes in peatland models: Effects on peatmoss drought projections Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Apparent Winter CO2 uptake by a boreal forest due to decoupling Research article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Gross primary production controls the subsequent winter CO2 exchange in a boreal peatland Review article (Peer reviewed)
2016 Parameter interactions and sensitivity analysis for modelling carbon heat and water fluxes in a natural peatland, using CoupModel v5 Research article (Peer reviewed)