Forestry effects on CO2 emissions from boreal headwater streams

Last changed: 25 September 2023

seasonal changes_riparian zone.pngClear-cutting increases soil CO2 concentrations and potentially in turn stream CO2 concentrations that could lead to increased CO2 emissions. Yet, the riparian zone, the remaining trees around the stream, play a significant role in buffering groundwater CO2. We therefore designed a study to assess whether a narrow (5m) or wide (15m) buffer around the stream yields different stream CO2 concentrations and in turn emissions. We sampled continuous CO2 in the stream during the reference year (2020) and two post-treatment years 2021 and 2022 along a stream reach with two narrow (5m) and two wide (15m) buffer zones. We ask whether the width of the riparian zone will affect CO2 concentrations and CO2 emission from the stream, as well as how physical properties such as light climate affect stream CO2 cycling. This study only focuses on stream-related CO2 dynamics and was conducted in close collaboration with Marcus Klaus, who studies greenhouse gas cycling in the riparian zones to further explore the pathways of CO2 and CH4 in the riparian zone.


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