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Department of Forest Economics

Natural resources in general and especially forests are central to the research, education and cooperation being conducted within the areas of natural resource economics, forest economics, forest industrial economics and forest policy at the Department. Focus is on a sustainable society and future.


Learn more about our research education and how we take part in the master program at the Forest Faculty both in Umeå and Uppsala but also a master at the Umeå University.

Course students on a spring day jumping outside of SLU in Umeå


Our research focuses on natural resource economics, forest economics, forest policy, bioeconomy and business administration.


We partake in different cooperations and networks on a national level with universities in our close proximity and internationally through forest institutes and a journal on forest economics.

Come study with us

Are you a student who wants to play a key role in a sustainable future? Then take our master programs on Bioeconomic Management and Forest Business Administration.



Published: 26 November 2024 - Page editor: camilla.widmark@slu.se

Department of Forest Economics

Head of Department: Camilla Widmark

Deputy Head of Department: Torbjörn Andersson


Visiting address

Skogsmarksgränd 17, SE- 901 83 Umeå

Ulls väg 27, SE- Uppsala
