Camilla Widmark, Senior Researcher
Department of Forest Economics, +46 (0)90-786 8596, +46 (0)70-292 9018
Forest ecosystem services are benefits people obtain from forest ecosystems. These include forest products such as timber, food, alternative energy materials, as well as services such as climate mitigation, water quality, biodiversity, spiritual, recreational, and cultural benefits. POLYFORES has been designed based on the observation of a trend towards intensification of forest use in many European countries.
The question as to how forest ecosystem services are valued in different political and management levels across countries in Europe depends on different factors and sparks a need for a comprehensive assessment of synergies and trade-offs between forest ecosystem services across different sectorial (policy) and disciplinary (academic) perspectives.
Recently developed tools for assessing forest ecosystem services and possible trade-offs to support political and management decisions on forests are lacking when it comes to taking interlinkage and possible incoherencies between different decision-making levels into account.
POLYFORES therefore aims to:
The project is approved by the FP7 ERA-NET Sum forest and funded by national funds in the individual partner countries.
Camilla Widmark, Senior Researcher
Department of Forest Economics, +46 (0)90-786 8596, +46 (0)70-292 9018