New faces at the Department

Last changed: 25 March 2025

These are the people that recently have arrived to the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.

Pierre Lenoble is an MSc student from École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL University in Paris. He will be joining us for a four-month internship, working with Micaela, Caroline Greiser (Stockholm University), and Paul on a microclimate-microbe project.

Francisco Garza Frech is a a new PhD student in the Soil Microbiology Group. He will work on how nitrogen cycling communities are shaped and affect soil N cycling. Sara, Jaanis and Chris are Francisco’s supervisors.

Enrico Baccarin is a new Erasmus student who will be with us for three months. He is working with Magnus and Vahide on projects related to the endophytic colonization of Fusarium species causing head blight disease.

Albert Morera Marra is a new postdoc in Forest Pathology group. He did his PhD at the University of Lleida working with fungal ecology and climate change. Albert will work with bioinformatics on long series data of fungal spore trapping in Sweden.

Yuqing is a visitor PhD student who is going to work with the Plant disease epidemiology group in biotic-abiotic interactions in wheat.

Le Thi Thuy Linh is a new Erasmus + Master's student from Spain in the Agricultural Plant Pathology group. Linh will investigate the role of small RNAs in fungal interactions. She will stay in the department until the end of June 2025.

Noomi Lodenius is a new PhD student in the forest pathology group. She will work with resistance to Heterobasidion annosum and Diplodia sapinea in Scots pine during her PhD education. Noomi is an industrial PhD student in the WIFORCE research school and is employed at Södra. Malin and Åke are her supervisors.