PhD follow-up at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology

Last changed: 21 August 2024
A hand is holding a Petri dish, photo.

Individual study plans (ISPs) are updated and the education is followed up on an annual basis. It is the responsibility of the supervisors and the PhD student to accomplish this. The department does a formal and mandatory follow-up at three occasions; after 25%, 50% and 75% of the net study time has been passed in the doctoral education.

In addition, in November each year, the department arranges a PhD-day where all PhD students and researchers gather. Each PhD student give a talk presenting research hypotheses, plans and results, and get feedback on project content, progress and seminar performance through discussions both in the large group and in smaller discussion groups.  Participation is mandatory.

Follow-up after 1 year (25 % of net study time)

The 25% follow-up consists of:

  1. Approved and updated individual study plan accounting for the first year´s post-graduate education, any changes done in the project, and new planning for the coming year(s). Revision of commitments by the PhD student and supervisors in the study plan.

The salary increase at 25 % of the net study time require an approved revised individual study plan.

Half time follow-up (50 % of the net study time)

The half-time follow-up consists of:

  1. Approved half-time seminar with an external examiner.
  2. Approved revised individual study plan. In particular the time table and the commitments should be looked over by the PhD-student and supervisors.
  3. In connection to the half-time follow-up seminar, you also perform an evaluation of the progress of your post-graduate education. During this meeting the PhD student, the supervisors, the departmental Director for post-graduate studies, the external examiner and a PhD-representative from the department discuss the updated individual study plan and the seminar.

The half-time follow-up seminar normally takes place when the PhD student has reached 50 % of the net study time. At the seminar the obtained results and the planned continued studies should be presented. The seminar and the evaluation are mandatory.  The PhD student should revise the individual study plant together with the supervisors, and submit it to the external examiner, the departmental Director of post-graduate studies, and the PhD representative not later than a week prior the seminar.,

The revised individual study plan is discussed in connection with the half-time seminar between the PhD student, the supervisors, the departmental Director for post-graduate studies, the external examiner and a PhD-representative from the department. The outcome is summarized in a protocol. When needed, a second follow-up meeting is arranged with the PhD-student, supervisors, the Director for postgraduate studies and a PhD student representative.

The salary increase at 50 % of the net study time requires approved half-time follow-up and updated ISP.

Follow-up after 3 years (75% of net study time)

The final follow-up consists of;

  1. Approved and updated individual study plan reporting research and study activities, including any changes and a well-thought through and realistic time plan for the remaining time within the post-graduate education. In particular, the time table and the PhD student and supervisors commitments’ should be revised.

The salary increase at 75 % of the net study time require an approved revised individual study plan.

Broad Knowledge (BK) seminar

It is mandatory for all PhD students to give a Broad Knowledge (BK) seminar at the department during the post-graduate education. This normally takes place during the last year. 

Before each follow-up

Before each follow-up the revised study plan (ISP) and any other documents (e.g. protocol from the half-time follow-up) should be e-mailed to the departmental Director of post-graduate studies.

Signing and archiving of document

The up-dated individual study plan (ISP) is approved  when the PhD-student, the main supervisor, the departmental Director of postgraduate education, and the Head of the Department signed the document.

The PhD student make a pdf-file of the signed document (and other documents such as half-time protocol), and e-mailed to the departmental Director of post-graduate education.  The original must also be given to the Director of post-graduate studies to be archived.

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Karina Engelbrecht Clemmensen
Senior Lecturer, Director of studies for Postgraduate education
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU, 018-67 18 74