Professor Dan Funck Jensen
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, 018-672798
The files on this page contain the genome assembly, predicted transcripts and the predicted proteins of Clonostachys rosea strain IK726.
The details are described in the following publication:
Karlsson M, Brandström-Durling M, Choi J, Kosawang C, Lackner G, Tzelepis G, Nygren K, Dubey M, Kamou N, Levasseur A, Zapparata A, Wang J, Amby D, Jensen B, Sarrocco S, Panteris E, Lagopodi A, Pöggeler S, Vannacci G, Collinge D, Hoffmeister D, Henrissat B, Lee Y, Funck Jensen D (2015) Insights on the evolution of mycoparasitism from the genome of Clonostachys rosea. Genome Biology and Evolution 7:465-480.
Please refer to this publication when using these data.
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, 018-672798