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Tolerant Tree

We support development and implementation of good practices for use and management of forest genetic resources to the benefit of the Nordic societies.

A man in a blue jacket and a woman in a red jacket stand in a forest and look closely at pine needles. Photo.

Collaboration and knowledge-sharing

Tolerant Tree (full project name: Genetics and management for stress tolerant trees for the future climate) is a project that supports collaboration and knowledge-sharing between forest geneticists, pathologists and entomologists across the Nordic countries. We are a SNS Nordic Forest Research network.


TolerantTree priming workshop

Welcome to a workshop with the themes climatic memory, chemical-induced defense priming and SE-induced defense priming.

Popular science

See films and read articles on good practices for use and management of forest genetic resources!

A brown mushroom against earthy background. Photo.

Financial support

We support short term scientific missions, development of joint project proposals, joint utilisation of existing data and collaborative testing of research ideas and outreach activities. Apply here!

Melissa Magerøy on spruce defense

Melissa Magerøy talks about her research on spruce defense against pathogens and how to reduce our dependency on pesticides in the forest production industry.

Malin Elfstrand on forest diseases

Malin Elfstrand talks about her research on forest diseases and how the trees defend themselves against pathogens.

Published: 07 March 2025 - Page editor: cajsa.lithell@slu.se