How to apply
Researchers and doctoral students in the participating countries can apply for funds.
The application should contain a description of:
- the intended activity
- participating researchers
- a time-plan including time and duration of any exchanges
- expected outcome and
- a short motivation why the planned activity is relevant to TolerantTree
(in total maximum one A4 page).
The application should also include:
- a budget,
- specifying the funds applied for from TolerantTree,
- the co-financing (in cash or in kind) and
- a short budget motivation.
Send your application to Malin.Elfstrand@slu.se. The header of the e-mail should state “TolerantTree application for support”. Questions can also be sent to Malin Elfstrand or to the national representatives.
Evaluation of the applications
The TolerantTree steering committee will evaluate, prioritize, and approve applications depending on the funds available. TolerantTree accept applications continuously through the year and normally the applicants can expect a decision within one month from the submission of the application.
Instructions about how to report funds will be given upon approval of applications by the TolerantTree Steering committee, but the general rule is that a brief economic and scientific report should be submitted one month after completion of the activity.